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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Alep-h

  1. I really like this grassy rainbow team ideia. I wonder why Bellossom particularly? Would it be a standard attacker set or a more defensive one to go with Florges?
  2. Trying to finish my Rainbow Team building before starting yet another run, but can't decide the last three members. Right now the team has the expected lead duo of Ninetales and Pelipper, and third is Togekiss. Ideally I'd want a grass pokemon somewhere, maybe Cherrim fits? Sun-friendly, Weather Ball, etc. Roserade would be cool if Weather Ball was a TM, but that's gen 8 territory. Considered Primarina too, but unsure about yet another pokemon weak to eletric in the team. Also considered Altaria to play with Cloud Nine shenanigans, and at least is neutral to eletric. Any suggestions? Every input is welcome.
  3. @pizzagod13 Yes, everyone with good natures and properly EV trained. Swoobat right now is Timid with Special Attack/Speed EVs. Guess I could hunt for a Calm one and train for Special Defense and HP, but I fear that it would still get rekt by the physical mons in Narcissa team. As soon as Mimikyu or Mismagius comes into play, it's gone. Tried Xatu already, and it didn't help much even with Ominous Wind. Did okayish against Drifblim at most, but just like Swoobat, it dies to anything physical. @fellowry Normal. Didn't want to jump right into Intense as it's my first Rejuvenation run.
  4. Long story short, Narcissa is being a pain in the ass (as expected, I guess). Tried a lot of different approaches so far, and ran out of ideas. All of them basically ended on my team being OHKOed by her STAB moves before whatever plan I comes into play. Screens don't last long enough, Simple Swoobat just doesn't live enough to set up and so on. Any ideas, at all? Last tried team was Delphox, Grumpig, Solrock, Lunatune, Swoobat and Meowstic (M).
  5. Hello everyone. Just finished my second run of Pokemon Reborn, a monotype ground this time, and am now full waiting mode until E19 is released to start a third run, potentially a fairy or fightning mono (not the main doubt of this option, but also feel free to share input in which you'd think is more fun or whatever). But when the time comes, I reallly wanna start doing more serious breeding for my teams, and getting them to their best possible versions stat-wise. What I wanna know is: how does one actually get that fabled 5IV ditto in-game? Aside the obvious "ask for someone else to trade it to you" since I want the runs to stay way as much as possible from online trading and such. Is the only way literally reset hell until you get the right ditto? Or is there anything else I'm missing? Thanks in advance!
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