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Maestro Inga

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maestro Inga

  1. My second Reborn playtrough's Hall of Fame! Got aevian mismagius with the aevianmissy code and idk why or how but at the starter selection it gave me the option to choose any Pokèmon I wnated, so I went with Jangmo-o. also did't expect Klinklang of all pokèmon to be my MVP, but here we are. Pachanga (Kommo-o) Ability: Bulletproof Item: Kommonium-z Moveset: Close Combat - Outrage - Clanging Scales - Protect Inganaggio (Klinklang) Ability: Clear Body Item: Wide Lens Moveset: Gear Grind - Wild Charge - Shift Gear - Screech Andromeda (A-Mismagius) Ability: Magic Bounce Item: Expert Belt Moveset: Shadow Sneak - Phantom Force - Power Whip - Nature Power Salame (Gliscor) Ability: Poison Heal Item: Toxic Orb Moveset: Earthquake - Fly - Protect - Swords Dance Maggica (Salazzle) Ability: Corrosion Item: Charcoal Moveset: Sludge Wave - Flamethrower - Toxic - Nasty Plot Cassiopea (Gardevoir) Ability: Synchronize Item: Gardevoirite Moveset: Calm MInd - Moonblast - Psychic - Focus Blast
  2. Pisellone (Blaziken) Speed Boost Life Orb Hasty - 212 spe, 246 atk, 46 hp Moveset: Flare Blitz, High Jump Kick, Protect, Bulk Up Pequeña (Galvantula) Compound Eyes Focus Sash TImd - 224 spe, 242 spa, 44 hp Moveset: Thuder, Bug Buzz, Thunder Wave, (Protect/Volt Switch) Razzista (Gastrodon) Storm Drain Leftovers Modest - 200 spa, 76 hp, 162 def, 72 spd Moveset: Surf, Earth Power, (Blizzard/Sludge Bomb), Recover Bianca (Lilligant) Own Tempo Wise Glasses Timid - 244 spe, 244 spa, 22 hp Moveset: Petal Dance, Synthesis, Nature Power, Quiver Dance Spazzino (Golisopod) Emergency Exit Rocky Helmet/Wave Incense Naughty - 232 atk, 232 hp, 46 def Moveset: First Impression, Leech Life, Liquidation, Protect Theolia (Gallade) Justified Galladite Timid - 252 spe, 234 atk, 24 hp Moveset: Zen Headbutt, Close Combat, Shadow Sneak, Swords Dance
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