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Un Owen

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  1. In Finder, right click on the Pokemon Rejuvenation app file and select "Show Package Contents". Navigate to ./Contents/Game/ and open the updater file with no file extension (not updater.yaml). Hope this helps!
  2. Was looking for a Rejuvenation-compatible port of the SWM Modular Modpack and noticed the Rejuvenation Modular Modpack haven't been updated in a while, so I tried my hand at porting the BagSortByType mod and ItemRadar mod since those are the ones I use most frequently. Note: I have no plans of maintaining any of these mods and made this purely for my own convenience. Edit: Updated BagSortByType mod to show the screen that shows what pokemon can learn what TMs in the TM pocket and used Reborn E19 list as the base. SWM - ItemRadar.zip SWM - BagSortByType.rb Note: For the BagSortByType mod, I didn't bother integrating any items exclusive to Rejuvenation because rearranging all the items was tedious enough for me and as of writing I have only just finished Chapter 5. For anybody interested, linked below is a list of all the items that are unaccounted for according to their item id and name (Roughly 179 items total) : RejuvExclusiveItems.txt
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