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Un Owen

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Un Owen

  1. In Finder, right click on the Pokemon Rejuvenation app file and select "Show Package Contents". Navigate to ./Contents/Game/ and open the updater file with no file extension (not updater.yaml). Hope this helps!
  2. Was looking for a Rejuvenation-compatible port of the SWM Modular Modpack and noticed the Rejuvenation Modular Modpack haven't been updated in a while, so I tried my hand at porting the BagSortByType mod and ItemRadar mod since those are the ones I use most frequently. Note: I have no plans of maintaining any of these mods and made this purely for my own convenience. Edit: Updated BagSortByType mod to show the screen that shows what pokemon can learn what TMs in the TM pocket and used Reborn E19 list as the base. SWM - ItemRadar.zip SWM - BagSortByType.rb Note: For the BagSortByType mod, I didn't bother integrating any items exclusive to Rejuvenation because rearranging all the items was tedious enough for me and as of writing I have only just finished Chapter 5. For anybody interested, linked below is a list of all the items that are unaccounted for according to their item id and name (Roughly 179 items total) : RejuvExclusiveItems.txt
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