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  1. Here is a few I think nobody will ask and I seem to be the only person bugged by them among my friends 1.What happened to the Dark stone Madame X stole from Celine? Does she just have Zekrom in her backpocket right beside the Yveltal? 2.were does Rejuvenation fall into the "Reborniverse" timeline? We know it's after Reborn from cameos in the game but is it before or after Desolation? 3.In the event that Crescent or the MC die again, does one die with the other? Is our last life shared with hers? 4.WHO IS MADAM- Ok ok I'm kidding What's the deal with the house you get sent to when you lose a battle? Is it a Melias "Inner workings" situation? Does the A gang just party in there for eternity and you are not invited? Is the Venam soul hotel joke CANON? And lastly 5. If Madame X can Thanossnap any member of Team Xen at any given time then what purpose do X grunts serve? Are they like the Inquisitors from Star Wars and just hunt them because she couldn't be bothered to do it herself?
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