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Everything posted by Ravenleaf182
Why was Meloetta nerfed with the form change?
Ravenleaf182 replied to Ravenleaf182's topic in Reborn City
You're kinda missing the point. The moves flow together, she's better swapping her forms. since fighting and psychic oppose each other, moves that are effective on one generally aren't on the other, relic as a base is a special move. I don't want her *staying* in pirouette form. I like how it flows around so you get the best of both, because she makes great use of being mixed. Relic song (special)>makes her physical, use secret power (physical), can use Relic song to change back>can finish with psyshock/psychic, or if I want to guarantee weakening them, I use rock smash first. It's hard to be able to line specially effective attacks if I can swap around freely in battle. If you're gonna be stuck in one form, she's just like every other mon that specializes, only worse because there are just better pokemon that will outdo her in either one of her forms. Combine both, and she's dancing to her own music and its just way more fun then the usual "set up, sweep." edit: TL;DR the biggest point is how fun she is to play when she's swapping moves, not just staying in a single form -
I don't understand why she can only change outside of battle...like wasn't the whole point you could Relic song>change form>use secret power with 60% chance at adding a status effect>relic song back? Like that's such a great combo and changing into it makes the combo really good. Or at least, its one of my favorite move sets. I finally got her but found out I can only change outside of battle, I'm just curious as to the reasoning behind that change
Did you get the right version? It's getting a bit buried now, it'd be nice to update the OP even with the pseudo-fix unofficial one at this point just to prevent people from getting the OP version with the...one on...page 19ish? I am not sure what page its on now either actually...
neat, I was wondering if it was even in it, thanks for letting me know ^_^ I could try to not be a bum and try to see if I can find a way to edit the original color.
curious about something, Magearna true colors is kind of a separate thing from shiny, is there a way she gets the same thing like "aloan" choice, except for original colors instead of her standard? (I guess I'm just wondering if its possible, like does reborn even have the true color pallet for Magearna at all)
So when you get to peridot ward, you can take the "what type are you quiz" and when you do, you get a pretty interesting story. The thing is, when we make it to route one, we actually meet Eliot (should I spoil this part?), I don't really remember the exact last parts of the quiz, but going by what I do remember and about the wild pokemon fighting around you (which are the buffolant/tauros, heracross/pinser), does that mean that if we set aside the type we are....we were turned into a miltank? edit: I really can't remember if it said what we turned into, but I somehow keep thinking it didn't specifically say what we turned into and now think by going by all other things going on in route one we wound up as a miltank
I think (at least it did in episode 18) you can go find another oasis and take another shard and it disappears again
in Need of Spreadsheet with all major Boss battles
Ravenleaf182 replied to Javiervr7's topic in Reborn City
wow this community is on top of this stuff, its all a bit scattered but there is stuff for literally everything it seems. I really thought it'd have to be until the wiki updates in a few weeks Edit: I have a dumb question about one of the trainers on that spread sheet...or specifically their pokemon: -
in Need of Spreadsheet with all major Boss battles
Ravenleaf182 replied to Javiervr7's topic in Reborn City
I think you're going to have to work kinda patch work until the gag order is up, but it looks like the pokemon reborn wiki is actually raring to go with all that information and then some when the beta is over and the game fully goes open. I think you can find all sorts of data all over the place on the forums here, and there is a youtube series with episode 18 full walkthrough that is still mostly relevant (there is some changes for sure, but it mostly has some really good advice that is still relevant for all things before episode 19). I think it might be a good idea to create a post that just compiles the current puzzles that people have solved and other information, but all of that is probably going to be done automatically in a couple weeks. This might sound a bit naieve, but why not give a blind nuzlock a chance during this time? I bet that could be something super interesting and impressive too do as well without having a full plan in place and can go pretty far pre episode 19. (also I am curious, the nuzlock password, does anyone know how that interacts with the one battle does the password allow an exception there?) -
I can't believe it has to come to this.... This is my last put on this subject. I already blocked you, whatever else you want to argue is on you. But I will address a full "argument" for you based on what I saw you complaining about that you are assuring is the devs issues, inadequacy and no way you projecting your inability to read and follow basic instructions. I will put pictures in spoilers cus I am going to need a lot here since that makes things most clear. firstly, you made fun of my use of term "Easter Eggs"...lets go to what an easter egg is defined as, per google, first result: Going by that, the fact there is people that reward progress by playing the game and hunting and talking to various optional NPCs with hidden events, they, are in fact Easter Eggs. That out of the way, lets talk about the QoL you are so adamant that is lacking and mad about. Here is from the READ ME file directly with the game, which you not only are directed to in the files, but are encouraged to look at in general: Oh look, not only is there a whole thing that not only gives a bunch of passwords, but it DESCRIBES what they do, has that MONO RUN you were talking about, has HM stuff for QoL, and even tells you all sorts of other nice things, and...get this, the bottom line even lets you know MORE can be found in game. Your whole schtick is this holier-than-thou thing about how they are "forcing inflated prolonging of the game"...that is literally a you thing. The Devs have spent significant time on this game, there is nothing gained for "forcing players" to play longer, its on you if its your type of thing or not. If its not, hey, they understand that. That's why this forum exists, you know, with people spoiling things and giving SPREAD SHEETS of all the passwords that aren't in the read me, as well as puzzle solutions, pokemon locations, and a plethora of other things. You have options. They made things as challenging as people want them to be, as easy as they want them to be. You're over here throwing a fit because you couldn't be bothered to read and are trying to talk about how "instructions and homework" are a thing now, but you literally never have to look up anything. You can just you know...play the game. You put that work on yourself. It's OPTIONAL. But you're complaining cus it isn't even more on a silver platter for you. What? Then you want to claim you're being attacked because people pointed out the things you want and are claiming you "know", are right there and you didn't actually read? You want things your way as if it revolves around you instead of literally 100's of users that have different ideas of how to play. That's not cool. I will call you out on it. Or I would, but I have no desire to discuss anything with you because you're hell bent on trying to sound like you're some martyr for undue hardship about a POKEMON GAME that the devs spent YEARS developing and working on and is tons of hours long because you can't be bothered to use the resources here on the forums. The mechanics are built in game. This may come as a shock to you, but some people actually *LIKE* hunting and finding those passwords. They enjoy finding things on their own. There is a dopamine rush when a wild encounter happens you knew nothing about. That's a valid way of playing, not just you. You have access to what you want, it exists, this whole "they are forcing people to play longer" is utter nonsense. It's a game. You don't even have to play, nobody is holding a gun to your head. Likewise, nobody is sitting here and forcing you to do "homework" to find your easier way of play. It exists. However you want to encounter it, be it in game or via google or these forums. I am so done with you. I am sure you have way more to say, but I have neither patience nor the crayons to keep this going and explaining stuff to you when you are just going to go on and on and on and on how its not your fault you can't do things that most rational people understand and have been doing for years. Edit: as stated, go ahead and make your case or whatever else have you on how this is me attacking you or whatever else nonsense you want on how there is no argument and you're totally right. I want no part of it, but whatever helps you rest at night I guess. I wasn't trying to be mean, still not, but its really exasperating how much you feel like you deserve easy things that other people have no problem with finding and doing just because you feel you can hide behind this thing of "its not how I like it".
what on earth are you on? That's back from the 80's. Reborn comes with a "readme" file, with "READ ME" literally in the name. You're fighting really hard to justify either your laziness or to hide you are embarrassed you're straight up wrong, but you're just making it worse. You are totally in the wrong, just cut your losses and accept that. Nobody is trying to make life harder on you, you're doing that to yourself with your ridiculous claims and trying to stand on a soap box taller than yourself.
I think its clearly you who misunderstands and needs to take more time to understand something properly. Both you and the OP need to realize a few things. Setting aside the spreadsheet "cheat sheet" : Passwords are more or less Easter eggs/QoL stuff, that rewards you AS YOU PLAY THE GAME. You can find those passwords sprinkled throughout the game through exploring and talking to other characters. It rewards you for playing the game well, and so in turn give you some ways to make your life easier, especially since the game as a whole is meant to be played multiple times thanks to route splits. These passwords make the game easier in some cases, challenging in others, and even fun depending on what the player chooses to do with and make use of the passwords. The passwords provided with the game are some freebies that you get right off the start of your adventure. There is way more than that, but those should be earned. Yes, you can google and search for additional passwords, but that's not the true spirit of the game, and frankly trying to tell someone you hope they "properly" implement your misguided understanding is just plain bad taste.
Wait, one of those feels super super super hard...do you really need to win *THAT* encounter on the mountain for this route to happen? cus I'm going to have to readjust everything for that one encounter specifically...it also makes the anna route seem far more rewarding/proper then with how much has to go into achieving it
Which pokémon we should consider the ace of each char in e19?
Ravenleaf182 replied to alguidrag's topic in Reborn City
Hrm, I guess I would make the "ace" eevee's lines for all of them since they change and grow with the story as well I suppose. because it amuses me to balance things, we have 2 male, 2 female, 2 non-binary, with 9 forms, so there is the "main" representatives (purely my arbitrary thoughts) who have two forms Ari: Glaceon, Jolteon Decibel : Vaporeon Alice: Eevee, Sylveon Lucia: Espeon Kuro: Flareon, Leafeon Vero: Umbreon Edit: I misread the question. I'm dumb, ignore this post -
I played ahead too, although I haven't finished episode 19 but I wanted to start a new game anyway and when I got to this part something kinda clicked in terms of some of her mannerisms if you change how you read the "tone" she talks at times, which doesn't go through when just written. But for the most part, yeah, she's mainly been a supportive/burnt out mom like figure, but she has these little moments now and then...its probably just dirty minded wishful thinking on my part honestly, but I kinda like the idea of victoria being a closet domme edit: another moment, is initially when she comments on the player "playing" with Cain, I typically read that as in she was disappointed that the MC is "that kind of person..." but...if you think about it with a tone adjustment, she could actually just be intrigued so that started this rabbit hole of victoria having a whole different side to her
Not spoiler per se, but I'll spoiler the image here anyway: I probably play too many hentai games/adult games and given the adult nature of this game, I'm just gonna straight up ask...is victoria a bit of a domme? Cus she was already one of my favorites, but that might just shoot her straight to the top if she's demanding he do what my mind is imagining atm :P
bummer, thanks for all your help anyway. I at least get to have fun starting with my more-or-less favorite ice team, which is already a massive advantage all things considered, so this mod is still greatly appreciated. Thanks for all you've done anyway o/
I have no issues with the unreal time thing, I think that person just didn't go into the options menu and actually turn it on... shards I can kind of live without since most other functions work pretty well, but is there a relatively easy way to patch it so that if you use the "fill box" option, it only fills the first 807? its pulling gen 8 pokemon too, which aren't in the game so its a bunch of eggs that just crash the game anytime you mouse over them (also it fills the pokedex too, but that doesn't crash unless you try to read the entry)