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Pokerus last won the day on October 22 2023

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15 Fledgling

About Pokerus

  • Birthday July 17

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    Pokemon Rejuvenation brainrot for the past four years god bless this fantastic game

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  1. Best way to raise happiness fast is to purchase about 30-40 of the EV lowering berries from the child in the Lost Camp. That should boost the friendship to required levels of evolution.
  2. If I remember correctly it's behind one of the Wisp Ruins gym doors
  3. As a veteran of Intense mode/no items/no switching from v13 where they had the same set up, they're mostly there as a test of skill. The gym after that was the land mark for how much more difficult the game was going to get, and if you couldn't handle beating down some C tier legendary beasts and ultra beasts, then you weren't ready for the butt kicking the future boss fights were going to bring out(v13 Intense mode Souta had a T-Thundurus for crying out loud and that wasn't even his strongest). It meant you needed to stop and think about what you were bringing to the table and probably train more stuff for variety. They're a relic from when the game was "harder" but also still a good bench mark for future fights. It only goes up from here and if you don't have any passwords that make the game more difficult then really they shouldn't be as much of an issue if you're catching and training a large variety of Pokemon. If you're only running a handful of your favs I can see it being an issue but that's ultimately a you problem not a "the game isn't handling the fights well" issue. The ONLY issue I see with this set of fights is: well for being a bench mark on whether or not you need to raise more Pokemon, your options are fairly limited to say the least. It's a little bit of "too late to fix it now" kind of thing because you do not have access to the mainland so if you haven't been catching Pokemon you are stuck with whatever is in GDC, Route 7, and adjacent areas. If you missed and items or TMs, you're out of luck until after multiple VERY difficult boss fights(at least how it was in v13 Intense, in 13.5 the fights can be almost trivial without difficulty passwords, even on Normal mode). Great now I'm making myself nostalgic for v13 lol TL;DR They're just there leftover from the v13, they may be changed in the future. Remember v13.5 isn't a full version update.
  4. If you unlocked the Noctowl statue there you should be able to fly there. Otherwise there is a green boat in Terajuma Shipyard that will take you there. If these do not work you may need to progress the story further first. Also note: Route 6 does not take you to Helojak Island it's only accessible via the Noctowl statue or the boat in Terajuma Shipyard.
  5. Is there any use for the Dark Material item in this version of the game?
  6. If you did not activate the stone you will not be able to get back there without debug. As far as I'm aware they do not let you back into the house and even if they did I doubt the entrance to there would even be accessible.
  7. Check your save files folder. The "Delete Save File" button in game only deletes the "Game" file not the backups, so all you gotta do is go to that folder, find your last save file for the save you deleted and rename it to "Game"(or "Game_2, Game_3, etc etc depending on how many save files you have) You can find the Save Files folder by going to the main menu and pressing the "Open Save Folder" button.
  8. Replaying through the game and I had a minor epiphany.
  9. I've been seeing people mention new game +. Am I missing something?
  10. Mew gjijinka Aevia aka my AU that lives exclusively in my head. There's a whole thing going on here and its wild and a lot to explain. Anyways she goes by the name Kate. Edit: Added another image I did a few hours after this one
  11. Anyone have any other funny interactions with Hazuki in the library? I typed up Vivian and Nymiera but nothing else seems to trigger anything else.
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