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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by TofuGamer

  1. OMG I DID IT!! Thank you, Boltzi, I wouldn't have made it without your help! EV training is more easy than I expected-
  2. Hi, I´ve been stuck in the 3 battles in a row part in the house of Tania. I´ve tried everything but I´m tired of trying for hours without success. Someone can lend me a hand? I´m going to post my team and my PC mons, so you or someone can tell me how to improve my team. 1- Houndoom lvl 72, Flash Fire, Timid, Lax Incense Moves: Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, Destiny Bond, Flamethrower. 2- Blastoise lvl 73, Rain Dish, Calm, Quick Claw Moves: Dark Pulse, Dive, Surf, Iron Defense 3- Ampharos lvl 73, Static, Lax, Shell Bell Moves: Charge, Cotton Guard, Discharge, Dragon Pulse 4- Crustle, 71, Sturdy, Naughty, Air Balloon Moves: X-Scissor, Shell Smash, Bulldoze, Stealth Rock 5- Grumpig, 73, Thick Fat, Bashful, Twisted Spoon Moves: Psychic. Psyshock, Teeter Dance, Psych Up 6- Vanilluxe, 72, Mild, Snow Warning, Never-Melt Ice Moves: Blizzard, Ice Beam, Ice Shard, Acid Armor Pokémon in the pc: "Decent level" (45-70): Chinchou, Relicanth, Clamperl, Alolan Muk, Porygon, Delibird, Mightyena (moxie), Druddigon, Altaria, Linoone, Garbodor, Absol, Steelix, Mienfoo, Drapion, Durant, Kangaskhan, Tauros, Pachirisu, Vullaby. Very low level: Cyndaquil, Abra, Ditto, Roggenrola, Loudred, Makuhita, Jigglypuff, Lickitung, Cacnea, Happiny, Smoochum, Seviper, Furfrou, Ribombee, Heatmor, Glameow, Slurpuff, Amaura, Remoraid Finneon, Lunatone, Fennekin, Bidoof, Minccino, Skitty, Kriketot, Electrike, Ducklett, Pyukumuku, Buizel, Lilipup, Seel, Emolga, Plusle, Grubbin. If someone can help me, I´ll be very greateful. Is the lastest version of the game. Thanks for reading!
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