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  1. The title says it all. I've been playing since episode 14, and so far I've always managed to wait for the new episode to be released for everyone. Knowing we're at the end of the road got the better of me, so here I am. I'll probably lurk more than anything, as I usually do on forums, but I'll try to post from time to time, my schedule permitting. A little bit about me... I'm french, with some english roots. You'd think I can get the best of both worlds, with one side great at cooking and the other producing great music. Unfortunately, I'm also ginger... I speak, obviously, french and english, as well as some spanish. Working as entertainer in hotels around the world, I've also picked up bits of other languages like german or italian, but not enough to have a conversation. I'm old enough to have watched the first Pokemon series on TV and played the red and blue version on the game boy. I love food, I'd say I'm a somewhat decent cook, and also music, mainly rock. Though I couldn't sing correctly to save my life. Or anyone's for that matter. My favorite type is Dark, as I love the creative way in which moves of that type can act (such as using the opponent's strength against itself). My favorite pokemon is Tyranitar, with Lokhlass being a close second. And... Ah! I see the download for episode 19 is over. I'm off being a geek. See ya!
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