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    Everything under the sun

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  1. Since you are the first person mentioning it, that was a nice scene. Why was it removed? Was it too "disturbing" for some of the audience? But then again, since cigarettes were deemed to be offensive (or rather, suggestive?), i bet a torture chamber would never be allowed to exist. Hooray for supporting artistic liberties and freedom of expression!
  2. I like Shade the most. He is a real pal. I feel that i can trust him.
  3. Reborn won't have pokemon past generation 7. Unless something happens and they decide to patch in some specific content. Development for this game is officially completed, post the upcoming release.
  4. I think the NPC for gender change, was in the circus, in previous episode. I might be wrong, since i lost my save and now restarted from scratch, in e19. In the beginning, at character creation, you are given a choice of your gender. If you selected other, it makes sense. But anyway, game is sensitive to pronouns, genders and whatnot, so it wouldn't be strange to refer to everybody as "they".
  5. Do not be greedy! Trainers start using endgame items early, like midway story. Old Indra in circus for instance, used to have Scarfs. You aren't meant to get those items, until very late into the game. Magician works well, is a great ability for item-hunting. You should only be careful whenever stealing berries, since you run the risk of them activating right after you get them.
  6. Is there a list of those, somewhere? First one you discover, is "Ally Switch", for which a NPC in Peridot warns you that in Pokemon Reborn, it works differently. What other moves behave differently, in Reborn? Any list, ideally with descriptions? Specifically, Ally Switch mentions having a negative priority here and warns to adopt a different tactical approach.
  7. Thanks. But that leaves perfect IV legendaries outside of the picture, still... So, only debug users can utilize those in multiplayer, or is there another, preferably legit, way?
  8. Is there any way to bypass the multiplayer lock, when you use FULLIVS? Or alternatively, a legit way to use multiplayer with perfect IV dittos, genderless pokemon and legendaries? People have been using the debug mode to gift certain pokemon to other people seeking it, such as perfect Dittos, anyway...
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