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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by XD2491

  1. Yes, I have started this mod with the eevee version and after the version 6 update my gen 9 Pokémon in the PC Boxes have shifting around like crasy ^^' So I have lost my Gimmighoul, my Gholdengo and many forms of other Pokémon like Maushold, Dudunsparce, Tatsugiri or Squawkabilly for example. Instead of this I get many Paradox Pokémon for free + a few weirdo Pokémon x,D
  2. Is it possible to get a Sinistcha in his artisan form after the quest in Meganium's Medicine Market? Or only the counterfeit form?
  3. Next problem My Duraludon doesn't evolve with the Metal Allioy item into Archaludon. I can't use it on my Duraludon : -/
  4. Hi again I have a Beedrill in my team, but I can't evolve my Eevee into Ephemeon. What am I doing wrong? The other Eeveelutions are no problem, you see?
  5. Hi My Iron Moth haven't a front sprite!
  6. Please don't forget to change the Maushold encounter into Tandemaus. And the pink and yellow form of Tatsugiri are still missing. I only can catch the orange form in Agate City.
  7. I'm searching for hours after Flamigo in the Azurine Island at morning and day, but it didn't appear...why?
  8. I'm such a dump^^' Thx for help ♪
  9. I'm sure. I'm in the right location of the third riddle, but I can't find the third Gimmighoul : -/ The first and second one were easy to find.
  10. Can the other forms of Tatsugiri (pink and yellow) also appear in Agate City or just the orange one?
  11. In that case it seems like it's actually not possible for me to get a one. Tandemaus is actually not available as an encounter in the Tanzan Cove area, only Maushold with two kinds appears: And I don't know if a Maushold with one kid can also appear in this area : -/
  12. Next question: Works the methode to get a Maushold with only one child in the same way like Dudunsparce with 3 segments?
  13. How exactly can I evolve Bisharp into Kingambit?
  14. What exactly do you mean with ,,Dunsparce with form 1."? A Dudunsparce with 2 segments? Or does it mean I must catch 10 Dunsparces and one of this get the triple Form? Sorry, I don't really understand your answer ^^'
  15. I have a question. Can I reset the evolution from Dunsparce many times to get a Dundunsparce with 3 segments or do I have to catch or breed a new Dunsparce to get a chance?
  16. Thx for your update ♪ But it`s still kinda funny: Now I have a male Indeedee, a female Indeedee und a gender switched Indeedee xD
  17. Many of new Hisuian, gen 8 and 9 attacks have always a Problem. Every time I try to use the attacks in battles or would like to see the attacks in the attack summary of the Pokémon my game pops up an Error box and get crash : -/ This was the attack Aura Wheel from Morpeko for example.
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