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Everything posted by epicrfm

  1. Yeah no problem, hope you're able to complete it. I was able to trigger both the bounsweet an gothita events post restoration by breeding a glameow from the evolved purugly from the salon an just got the gothita by talking to gothitelle. IDK if you could have activated those but I hope I saved you some trouble
  2. Yeah, I have both of those. I'll be online and waiting for a trade in a few minutes.
  3. Lunatone is the last pokemon I need for Bee's quest. I apparently missed or fainted the Tanzan Mountain Lunatone when I was going through e18 on my file a few years ago since it isn't showing up now, and I didn't find anywhere else I could get it on the encounter spreadsheet. I can apparently catch it in the wild in a postgame location, but I want to complete Bee's quest before I start e19 content. Does anyone have a spare Lunatone they can trade me? My username is the same as my forum name (epicrfm). Timezone is EST (GMT-4), so I'll be available for ~4 hours after this post goes up (until GMT 04:00) and then I would be available again tomorrow afternoon (around GMT 18:00). Let me know if you want something specific back.
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