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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wispex

  1. I have no luck within 40 rocks smth aint right. Giving 1 shiny each
  2. I am now after restoration and in need of a sea incense to breed my azumarill. Trading a shiny for it
  3. Hi sorry for late reply, I am now online. Your online play name? Mine is Wispex.
  4. I didn't do the onix questline so I can't really access it. Giving choice specs for it.
  5. I mean what is unavaliable after i had entered agate
  6. I've already moved to agate city, can you list the pokemon I cannot get now?
  7. k im avalible rn @Cobra
  8. I accidently sold mine and I'm only 4th badge so no 7th street so soon. Weather is a real hassle especially when you have to wait so long for a wind and I need murkrow before I move on. Willing to give a shiny for it.
  9. Yea I kind of used all of mine and I need weather mod for murkrow. Next wind is in a long time. Trading a shiny for it.
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