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  1. Can't wait for this update, also now I'm way too excited/hyped to see Renegade's intro and how it'll differ.
  2. Awesome! Also the wait for Renegade teasers is... rough....
  3. Thank you so much for Renegade. I already loved the game before, but this route unironically has Rejuv as my #1 game of all time. I get why it's Jan's favorite!
  4. Man the Renegade route is hyped, so glad someone finally decided to properly explore a "darker" route but actually in depth and not just something clearly thrown in last minute. Beyond excited to see how that plays out, also curious to see if Crescent is ride or die with even in that route but time will tell...
  5. Yessirr, boutta solo this entire game with my starter alone. ITS TIME GRENINJA
  6. Yeah that end point is what I don't understand either. Why can't everyone just win here? I mean players looking for a challenge are getting more and more taken away when it could just stay in the game as an on/off option. People that don't want the actual additional difficulty play without it, and those that do keep it on at the start of the game. Boom the more casual side, and the side that doesn't want a breeze through the story wins, everybody eats. Oh the destiny bond topic there's immersion. It's like if in Elden Ring in every boss you had an auto win button. Sure you can choose to not use it, but it really breaks any depths when you know at any point you can just cheese and proceed. Giving you complete control of a situation like that removes any threat and any accomplishment of winning, since you always have this "auto win" in your backpocket at the shields prevented that, at least my take. Regardless, I still think keeping it as a toggleable option is the best instead of removing it.
  7. This really blows. I get that some people rather have a casual gameplay I do, but it seems like the option of people who want a much difficult experience is being removed. Insane mode is gone, normal mode is being toned down... The thrill and adrenaline from a difficult challenge in this game is what really gets me hooked. I just hope there remains an option at the very least for players who want to suffer instead of seemingly being forced to play an easy route. This is my favorite Pokemon game of all time so that'd really be a killer if it completely went the reborn easier route they've done. Just please at the very least if you go through this route let us have a choice to play with these boss battles on/off and retain the difficulty so both sides of the group can be happy.
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