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  1. I see that in chrysalis manor there is a shield and crystal swords in the storage room i was wondering if that would be an event or if honedge is even in the game.
  2. okay so it was working it just takes more steps to trigger the egg from the old man thanks for the help
  3. I got a male probopass with wide gaurd and a femal rogenrolla and they still dont like each other much lol im at a loss
  4. So it has to be a probo pass to level up right i cant have a nosepass and roggenrola in the daycare it has to be a probopass and rogenrolla? EDIT: also do i have to have the yureu key or just walk into the powerplant and give it a candy and it evolves?
  5. For some reason whenever i have a male avalugg and female roggenrolla in the daycare they "play with other pokemon" they are both in the mineral group so i dont understand why they wont breed.
  6. I tried that and the file doesnt work for me it just downloads a link back to the download.
  7. Would anyone know of as of the newest update to get a shiny stone or be able to trade one with me. I have had no luck so far of finding one and my mincciono is becoming useless.
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