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9 Fledgling

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  1. What advice can you recommend to someone struggling with their own project to help them get the ball rolling? Especially with regards to some aspects they can’t do themselves?
  2. Thank you dearly for these. Most important one for me is definitely the egg move related stuff. I do a bunch of self-imposed challenges and such, so waiting until 14th badge for certain egg moves was kinda meh. That said, will there be one, if there isn't already that allows us to see exact stats of enemy Pokemon again? Got a little too comfortable with checking some stats (namely speed) for my strategies only to find that I'm either too fast/slow when I don't want to be so its nice to see the exact cut offs.
  3. Anyone know where the tutor with Scale Shot is? Aevian Leavanny has it listed as one of its tutorable moves but I can’t quite seem to find it.
  4. I personally quite like the new design, but I do have to agree that I prefer the old Aevia. It was even funny a bit for me when I was starting a new game because I was like "What to name you? I like names that start with A, but Aevia sounds too close to the region name. I'll go with Aelia". Only to find several months later that I almost got the canon name by mistake lol
  5. Does the relearner in this patch still wait for Chapter 14 to relearn egg moves or was this made sooner?
  6. It still is in the wreckage, but to get to it you must go south of the Oceana Pier and a guy will take you to the wreckage site.
  7. Interesting. She’s literally supposed to be 4 spaces to the right in your first image. I even just went back to double check. What chapter are you on?
  8. At the time, yes. I had done it just last night. But this was before updating to 13.5.2 so if it’s not working anymore I imagine they changed it back to how the mystery eggs were before.
  9. A little after entering the village, she’s outside near the right-hand side. I did this during the evening.
  10. Enter the help center. April will be on the same tile as you so take another step forward and then talk to her. I as well had all the quests done so this was how she spawned for me.
  11. It’s on the overworld. Go through the caves until you reach the top.
  12. Water Stone. For future reference, you can see evolution methods along with stats and movesets with the upgraded Pokedex
  13. The Pokedex, when upgraded, allows you to view that information from within it. If you haven’t had it upgraded, iirc you do Zumi’s quest in East Gearen
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