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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Andowolfie

  1. Seems like I'll need to restart completely from scratch. Thanks for the advice, both of you.
  2. I will reiterate: I don't have any money ingame... No money, no pokeballs...
  3. I don't have access to ANY of the pokemon you suggested and I don't know how to get Volt Switch, this is my first playthrough...
  4. I have Braixen, Psyduck, Weepinbell, Bibarel, Graveler (used to be Swablu), and Helioptile
  5. I've been having a really hard time with the Pokemon Rejuvenation Marianette fight in chapter 3 because her pokemon are just too powerful for me. Is there ANY way I can beat her without any money to spare ingame? I've already lost to her a good 10 or so times, with only one strat working (which involved potions, which I now have none of.) I don't have very many pokemon to experiment with either, and the fight is an absolute nightmare, even on easy mode.
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