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About cyberfox096

  • Birthday 05/27/2005

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  1. I was just wondering if there is any relation between similarly-named characters in both mainline Pokémon and Rejuv. I was thinking that there is an Eliete 4 member named Karen in HGSS and a rival/villain named Kierran in Scarlet/Violet. It would be interesting if there were some connection.
  2. I have played through .Karma files, and I have come up with a theory for the XenPurgis. Since it is a rift Stakataka, and Stakataka is known for being perfectly modular, it wouldn't be a stretch to see it as a disease that sweeps through GDC. While it might be entertaining for there to be a giant mecha buldozing the entire city, it doesn't make sense to the design of GDC. You don't build a perfectly enclosed cage for a giant mech. Rather, in ancient times, invading armies would spread disease into walled cities to cause an epidemic and force a surrender, where the army would know they would never be infected because the city is walled in. This is how the plague started. It would make sense for XPurgis to be a nanomachine plague that would wipe out GDC. Plus, a mecha would take much longer to take out a city than 3 hours. Disease can do things a lot quicker. This is probably why governments don't research metal gears in the cold war as opposed to nerve agents. It would just make more sense as a plot device.
  3. I was wondering if taking the boat to Hoenn immediately after the intro mission on the ship will grant renegade route points. For context, the pier opposite of where you start has a salesman trying to push a free trip to Hoenn. Taking it will give you a temporary game over, and place you at your last save. Later in the game, there is another game over, this time that awards you renegade points. If you hand over the diamond to Melanie later in the game, she will destroy your timeline and give you a game over with 10 renegade points automatically applied to your save file. You can then choose to get 10 more by abandoning the survivors, or can choose a 3rd option. Both show the villains winning and the hero removed, before placing you at the last save. I was wondering this because it would be a neat easter egg for replay players, or a pitfall for new players like the time diamond. Otherwise, it would allow players to more easily acquire renegade points without going through the trouble of damaging relationships (time consuming) or killing Karrina (which loses Diancie). Just wondering.
  4. In the book I'm writing, Melia is Freya, Aevium is RNVN, and we team xen is Starkiller. The plot has been amalgamated with Reborn and WLL, and the goal of the interceptor (now Kenneth), is to open 18 vaults and reconstruct a crystal for a deity (Alastair/Adrest) to regain his humanity after dying in a Starkiller terrorist attack. The vaults are like the gyms of Reborn, and each is represented by a different character, like the sages in Zelda. The main cities are Verone city, Terreane village, Valarie resort, New Haven City and Alsa Urban. Kenneth loses a lover early on (Laura/Taelia) in the black steeple arc, while the plot of protecting Melia\Freya remains the same. Kenneth is much older than the Rejuv interceptor, and is also inspired by Venom Snake and Geralt from the Witcher. Ren and Madame X are replaced by Taen, who is the leader of Starkiller, who is a sociopath and is responsible for Laura's death. Starkiller is backed up by 3rd Heaven Inc, who are basically Cassandra and the Blakories. Starkiller is also based on the Black Foxes from Desolation. Each arc takes a year, and time travel takes decades. It deals with the idea of a flawed protagonist being forced to make difficult decisions in a It is meant to be a Non-Nintendo tribute to the Reborn cycle for a young adult audience. How would this hold up as a story?
  5. My idea for a completely independent RebornEVO fangame would be called Renegade RNVN, a combination of Reborn, Rejuv and WLL. I wil, involve several cities, 18 gym-like structures, an evil team, and relationship/Karma and renegade points, like in Rejuv, in a dystopian society similar to Rejuv with Verone city, Sheridan village and new haven metropolis (gdc) being the main cities. Here, this man named Kenneth Walker (Keta) goes to the distant land of RNVN and one of its cities (East Verone/East Gearen) during a period of disasters to help out. The federal building he is being processed in is blown up by the Starkiller (Team Xen) organization, and he sacrifices himself to save the president of RNVN(Ame). He is brought back by the mysterious deity Alastair (Adrest), where he becomes an interceptor, giving him infinite lives, supernatural powers, and the ability to change an already fated destiny. He must open 18 vaults and obtain their power, each represented by a different character, in order to reconstruct a crystal that will allow Alastair to regain his full powers and bring peace to the world, regaining his humanity. Starkiller wants the opposite, as they want to use the crystal to gain total power and merge society to a perfect control and rebuild the world in their image. Kenneth has meets various individuals, including Laura (Aelita), a reporter who is from East Verone and his first love interest (she is later killed at Castle Ravenlocke/ Blacksteeple island but plays an important role in the dystopian future), and Freya (Melia), who is a special target for Starkiller, as she is Alastair's biological daughter created through one of the crystal shards. Also are Taen, who is the leader of Starkiller and is based on Ren, Charen, Ariel and Sam, who are Flora, Florin and Talon respectively and the mysterious 3rd Heaven Megacoorporation, who funds Starkiller secretly and is run by the equivilants of the Blakeories. Also, from a metagame perspective, each arc takes about a year, and time travel arcs take several, so that when Kenneth and Freya go to the past to retrieve a shard, they return several decades later in a dystopian future where Kenneth and Freya were never there, and Laura survived. Ultimately, Starkiller is drawn into an open war, and based on the player's decisions, the player may give the crystal to Alasatir (the neutral ending), destroy it (the severance ending), or use it to become a god (betrayal ending). These endings are the same, but the player's decisions impact the postgame. The battles are based on a rougelike RPG setting, where the vaults are dungeons. It is also a book I am writing for a young adult audience. I would love if I could one day make this game a reality, even though I don't have the time or resources now. The premise is that anyone can die, and there will be no true good ending. Pulse mechs are replaced by exo mechs, metal gear like mechs with given functions. The whole purpose of the game is to deal with the player's choices and how they affect the world.
  6. It has been done before, as Lumentale Trey is basically Pokemon Xenoverse with all Nintendo IP removed, with the characters of Xenoverse used in a fakemon setting. It is on Steam and will be brought to Switch no problem. Still, though, I would love to see Rejuv (Reborn, or any of them) become a commercial non-Nintendo game.
  7. I can't help but feel that Pokemon Rejuvenation is more of a visual novel or metagame involving Pokemon than an attempt at being a canon pokemon game. Pokemon Uranium tried to use more mainstream mechanics and create fakemon to make it seem like Nintendo had made it. It would make sense since Reborn is more of a battle Sim like Pokemon Colosseum, since there is a darker story and an intense focus on strategies with limited pokemon and no legendaries. However, Rejuvenation seems to focus more on the interaction and story building rather than battling or original content. I noticed that another hallmark of visual novels is that you need to play through multiple times each update to see all of the endings, and most players have backups of certain events such as Castle Zygra or the Doomed Timeline choice. Also, if rejuv is updated in nearly any location, it will break due to the heavy plot reliance. I still believe that Pokemon (PK essentials) is a good medium for developing a gpPokemon game with minimal overhead, but I feel that this game is more than a Pokemon game. audience, but in the future I would love to see its story or mechanics ported to a non-Pokemon RPG or visual novel simply because it is too good and complex of a plot to be restricted to Pokemon, which can have its challenges in reaching a wider audience. I'm sorry if this is too much, but I would love to see more games like Rejuv, and I am considering writing some sort of fictional work based on the plot, character arcehetypes and tropes of this game in the near future.
  8. I have always been wary of the theory that Madame X is Kenneth/Keta's daughter Nora Royer. X appears in close proximity to Keta in many instances across multiple timelines, yet she has never acknowledged him except at a business/formal level. In the Xen HQ in Ch2, where the player is transported to the Xen lounge, Madame X is in the background presiding over the meeting concerning Keta's death, yet she doesn't even acknowledge him. She authorized the building of the volcano base and blackmailed Keta, and it would have killed him even if he hadn't confronted Mewtwo, due to the eruption. Also, during the Doomed Timeline, she only acknowledges him as "the leader or the survivors", and pays no attention to any relationship. Should things go south and the player tries to escape, she doesn't care about any of the survivors, much less Keta. She only mentions the Interceptor not doing Xer job. Even if she was brainwashed and raised by Clear/Freya, Nora could still recognize Keta in WLL, and seemed rather fond of him. Also, X oversaw Blacksteeple and let Neved torture Aelita, which was originally intended for Keta and otherwise enabled his vendetta against Keta. My personal theory is that she is the daughter of Team Xen's founder, just as Giovanni in RBY is the son of Team Rocket's founder, both of which are dead but whose organizations live on. Being Melia/M2 or Erin doesn't make sense as Madame X never goes after Erin despite being a member of the Archetype, and her interest with Melia seems to be related to Vitus/Indridad, and neither Melia nor Erin overlap with her or even show the symptoms despite the proximity, as it is stated that M2 and Madame X are separate individuals in Renegade. There are just my thoughts, feel free to comment. I have only played up to 13.5 Renegade, Florin dead and Karrina alive, not Paragon yet.
  9. I was just wondering why players were given the option of killing Karrina if it does nothing for the post game? I pushed her just to see what its impact would be, found that nothing changed, then reversed it with debug before upgrading to v13.5. It would be better if Karrina and Karen got into a fight at the temple and you had to choose one to die, or take a 3rd option like in the doomed timeline. It makes no sense to kill off a major character with no warning, and then punish them on the evil route for doing evil, as you are denied Diancie.
  10. If Florin is forced to attack the Bladestar grunts in Ch 10, and the trial is in Ch13, Florin is executed at the end of ch14. How is it that Florin is executed so quickly through purely circumstantial evidence. Flora, a known criminal, could not simply have her brother judicially murdered so quickly through a fake Dossier, even with the corruption of GDC. In Oklahoma, it takes nearly 2 years for a criminal to die, not 2 months. It would make more sense if he was the victim of a hit job by Bladestar, as he had offended them more than GDC. Also, Flora is still in jail 2 months after her arrest, so I am surprised that she is not executed sooner.
  11. I was wondering what the timeline of the renegade route followed. At the end of the Terajuma arc, Rune had just arrived at Grand Dream city with Huey, and the gym leaders had left to find Souta with Eldest. After the first time-travel arc, Rune had become entrenched as the Puppet Master, Xara and Jean were dead, and the gym leaders were missing. After the player confesses to Cassandra/Forces Florin to kill the Bladestar Grunts, the player has another time travel arc. After this arc, Flora has her trial, escapes, and has her plan ready for the GD Ball. After the third time travel Arc, the GD Ball is detonated, the tournament occurs, and Florin is executed in a sham trial. I was just wondering exactly how long was between each segment, since Flora was still alive and in jail a month after chapter 14. The time travel arcs throw several plot holes that would not make sense even in the weird timeline of the game.
  12. In the Renegade route, Florin, Karen and Karrina all play important roles that change if they are dead. However, killing them gives you half of the karma points needed for the renegade route. Is there a way other than debug or the terrejuma (AKA NG+) codes to play the renegade route with all of them alive? Screwing over everyone else including both rifts, tesla and the time diamond without killing the 3 characters will net you fewer than 100 negative karma points, even if no help-center quests are done? How would I proceed without killing all three characters?
  13. Since Keta is dead in the normal timeline, and the player can save him with the other survivors in the Doomed timeline, would it be possible to resurrect/bring Keta back from the Doomed timeline, since Amber and Mosely remember their experiences in the Doomed timeline? What it be different if the player tried to escape the Doomed timeline with the fake diamond?
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