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  1. One day, the forums shall be revived!

  2. Get a moment in private, and ask her out! That's how the person who crushed on me did it way back then, and I felt very special because of it.
  3. Weird question. Without context, is it too late for what was to still be? I personally think change in general answers that question.

  4. why forum deddd >.>

    1. Dreamy


      cuz the internet seems to have decided it prefers the chatroom-style format for communities, so most activity has migrated to discord

    2. IdiotKat32


      Ah, I suppose that's fair, albeit saddening.

  5. Feeling bored :C

  6. It's not the greatest, but definitely better than average, at least.
  7. Withered Flame Katarina (Fire Reserve) Type: Fire Field: Burning Field (If Reborn) or Volcanic Top Field (if Rejuvenation) Badge: Pyrrhic Badge Items: None Team: Torkoal @Heat Rock Rotom @leftovers (Oven form) HA Blaziken @Life Orb Arcanine @Lefties Heatran @Air Balloon Mega-Charizard Y (Ace) @Charizardite Y Ah, reminds me. I will probably reach out anyways, but are any of the people above interested in actually giving their teams a shot against a challenger?
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