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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by FellSlasher

  1. im doing this on easy mode but best way i found out how try of course have all pokemon at level 60. bring someone that has blizzard to freeze the whole field in my case i used an alolan vulpix with luxray in the fight as well. dont worry if vulpix faints bring out a pokemon that knows earth power in my case was camerupt they. for me he moslty fixated on doing crappy moves to hit both my pokemon but in my fight my luxray was kinda tanky taking on the hits. best way also attack with camerupt but use your second pokemons turn to heal your camerupt up to stay in the fight just incase. if you want extra help just incase bring another one that has earth power. once you got him down to his last pokemon which was magneton for me just use eruption even though that melts the ice dont worry you will knock his magneton out in 2 hits
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