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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Vilrose

  1. Hi ~ I'm trying Rejuv rn, and I was wondering if I wasn't going to adapt my mod for the game eh. Glad to see someone has already looked into this! No need to stay up all night working on it haha, thank you ! For now, everything seems to be working. However, there are no systematic double battles against wild pokemon I'll look at this, like i did with Reborn. I love 2v2 well too much to let wild pokemon out of this eh. Thanks again ! Vil'
  2. Hi hi ! The two links are working, i tested them rn. I'm aware of an incompatibility between that mod and mine, and from what i read, someone was working on that. Unfortunately, I don't have much time for me those days, so I probably will not be able to work on this. Remember that, the more you add mods, the more incompatibilities can happen. Vil'
  3. Hi hi ! Sorry, i'm VERRRRRY late ahah ~ You are free to edit my files, i don't see any problem as long as it serve the community ! Even though I hope you've found a solution since then, it would bother me that you waited for me for so long. Vil'
  4. Hi hi @scoober19, sorry for the late reply. I don't see anything that can cause this problem at all, other than, as Karvanha said, possible incompatibility with other mods. I was able to do a full run with my mod with no issues, and so were other players. And this with or without other mods. Especially since I have the impression that your error concerns lines that I did not touch. Sorry for not being able to be of much help. Vil'
  5. Pyrolusitium had already done this in its own mod, so that it would be compatible with SWM and Radiation. I asked him when I started playing with Radiation. And since these are heavily used mods, as long as players have taken the Radiation version of Pyro, they will already have this file.
  6. Hey ! I use the two mods, and there is no problem. If I remember correctly, these files are only there to add some pnj and terminals to manage the music. One terminal for the Champion Defense battle, and a pnj for the night club. In general, Eeveelution Reborn, and Radiation Reborn work with a lot of mods without any problems (Karvanha's battle music pack, Pyrolusitium's UI overhaul, Sandbox, Debug mod, and my own Double Battle mod too.) I tested with both, especially with Radiation Reborn, which has almost the same base as Eeveelution. Vil'
  7. Hey ! Little feedback from me after a run made with your pack ~ Good job, I loved it, it gave another dimension to my game, and made it even more unforgettable. If I have, as explained a little earlier, made some changes (Elias, Fern, Floatsam/Jetsam Amy, Julia, Shelly, and Charlotte), I had the opportunity to enjoy the rest of the music used. And I have to say your choices are really, really clean. You went looking for themes, sometimes in the depths of Youtube, for a marvelous result. To name a few, Taka, Ace, Radomus, Hardy, Eve & Lumi, Florinia, and Cal are really great choices. And I was amazed at Anna's theme, i was really blown away. These themes stick very well to the characters, to their fights, and I must say that these musics, mixed with the lore, the action and the field effects, give an incredible atmosphere. Game Freak has a lot of work to get there on official games lol. If I made my own adjustments, I think the rest of the pack is just untouchable (I even managed to accept the Undertale/Deltarune themes despite my overdose of them, because you used them so well). You have really good taste, and we feel it in this pack. I may be doing a little too much, but I live this kind of stuff to the fullest lol. In short, thank you for this experience ! My playlist in the car has grown a lot ahah ~. Vil'
  8. Uh yeah, I did try to get the password to work with wild encounters, but that's beyond my skill set. I spent hours on it without being able to get it to work. If someone offers me help on this, it would be nice. But for the moment, you can't :/ . Sorry ! Vil'
  9. Hi hi! Indeed, I just saw where the problem came from. The files needed to create the password were not positioned correctly (they were in the "scripts" folder, whereas they should have been in the "Reborn" sub-folder of the "Scripts" folder). My mistake lol. Having no returns, I had no idea of such a problem. This is now fixed, and it will suffice to download the new .zip for the mod password that I reuploaded. Thanks a lot for the feedback ! To answer your questions : - Boss fights are by default double fights if password is enabled, or if you are using the standard version. However, you can put the boss fights back in solo mode by disabling the password with the pc. Only solo encounters are not changed (fishing (I could have changed fishing, but weird to catch two fish at the same time :p, it never happened to me irl eh) and events battle like Baltoy, and probably legendaries if we can catch them in endgame, I haven't tested yet). - You can use as many passwords as you want in addition to mine. I even use about ten of them myself, and I have no problem so far (I'm in the league, if there were to be any, I would have seen them.) I hope I have helped you (sorry for the delay). Have a nice game! Vil'
  10. I'm going to try to stay soft on spoiler level, so that you just have the important info. Like I said, Shade has a Banette that uses Dazzling Gleam. And it seems to me that Antarki also uses it. Soooo, maybe a good idea for a change. Especially since Mimikyu also uses a fairy type move, having Banette, Antarki and him with fairy moves is a bit too much. Two is more than enough. I also suggest you give Gengar a poison move if you put it back. It could be useful for him to have a poison STAB, and gives Shade's team better type coverage. Vil'
  11. Yes, I suspected that you had chosen Antarki for that. For my part, I don't see Corey as someone able to guide anyone, when he already couldn't guide himself lol. And Gengar is poison-type, like Corey (although I believe Shade's Gengar has no poison move). For Ace, as his Delphox is supposed to come back in an important fight, if you know what I mean, I find it imperative to keep him. But Zoroark is a very good idea with its illusionist side. Yeah, Sneasler is a wrecking ball, especially in pulse2, I struggled against him for a while as I was getting my Gardevoir wiped out. Now it's going much better with Swampert, and dragon dance + bounce swift swim Kingdra. For normal trainers, there's really no reason why they can't use mega evolutions. It would be much more fun if they could. Vil'
  12. You are welcome ! Don't hesitate if you need help. I have some feedback to make on that. I really like seeing other champions using mega evolutions or gigantamax than the original ones (i love the G-Centiskorch of Charlotte, what a nice idea ~). Some changes in teams bring something new, better type coverage, new strategic assets, and I like that. However, you shouldn't overlook some particular pokemon related to the game's story. I am thinking for example of the Ectoplasma Corey from Shade. The Antarki you put instead is more useful to Shade, and you renamed it Corey, but I find the connection between Corey and this one harder to make. Maybe another pokemon would have been better to replace. (Why not Banette?) Same goes for Ace. I just faced him at the WTC in my new run. I saw that he no longer had his Delphox. But this is his main pokemon. A magician, like him, and who is important later in the story, if you have the eye. That said, i am aware that it must not be easy to make choices when you change teams. The mod remains amazingly clean. I admit that I would love to see even more dynamax and mega-evolutions, sometimes even in normal fights. I like difficulty, and seeing even more transformations under pulse2 would be a banger lol. That said, I do feel that doing as many dynamax as in official games would be hardcore to do. Other suggestion, but I think it's impossible as it stands: On Pokemon Showdown, it's possible to use both a Mega Evolution and a Dynamax in battle. Because it is considered two things apart. And to see multiple mechanics used like this in combat in Reborn would be amazing. As much with us as against us. But again, that would be a colossal job, I'm aware of that. I put it there, see what you do with it. That's all I have in mind for now (that's already a lot lol). Thanks a lot for the mod! Vil'
  13. it seems to me that it was impossible in Uranium, so I don't think so. That said, you can revert them back via the debug mod downloadable from the forum. You just have to go to the debug menu of your pokemon, then to "form", and set the form to 0, the base form of your pokemon. Vil'
  14. Hey, time for a mod update: Now these are downloadable as .zip. In addition, there are now two versions, the "standard", and the "password" : - The "standard" version will change all fights to 2v2. - The "password" version will leave them in 1v1 by default, but you can turn on the double mode against trainers as you wish, via the "double" and "db" passwords. You will need data ships (you can use debug mode to buy some, or wait for 7th street.) The password does not change wild encounters, which will remain 2v2. Vil'
  15. Wow, you're productive, I didn't expect it to happen so quickly ! It works well. Only small error, the type is "Nuclear" or "NUCLR", not "Radiation", but honestly, it's already very good like that, thank you very much!
  16. Very good update! I really like the dark theme, especially with my weak eyes lol. The work on the ability design is nice too. It's very modern, I love it. Don't you think that the removal of the gender icon can be a problem for those who want to do breeding? Personally, I don't mind, but you never know. Oh, and do you plan to make the plugin compatible with Radiation Reborn? (It's just a suggestion, don't think too much about it. I would have helped you there, but this kind of modification is not my cup of tea. In reality, it is largely playable as currently, the nuclear type is just displayed as a shadow type in combat with nuclear moves, and in the menu.) Anyway, good job, I love it ! Vil'
  17. Well seen ! I hadn't thought of that. I just hope that we will have a correct sprite with the next upcoming Pokemon games. Otherwise it will be necessary to modify the sprites of the original versions of these pokemons.
  18. Okay, no problem ! I think I'll keep making some changes, and if I'm happy with the rendering, and see that I've strayed far enough from this pack, I'll post it. If not, I'll keep it to myself. For the moment, they are too similar. Anyway, I'm not here for any competition, I just want to have the best game environment possible, for me, and for others, and to be able to expose my vision of OSTs in Reborn. I think having several different visions can only be beneficial. It will bring different vibes. I totally understand the way you see things. What I said for Fern and Silver might be confusing, but I chose Guzma's theme for Fern more for its vibes than anything else. I like to draw parallels between the characters, like a reference to the official games. But I won't feel obligated to do it every time. For the legendaries, I understand. Some OSTs like Palkia/Dialga, I would have a hard time changing them, too much nostalgia haha. Vil'
  19. Ahah np, that's my way of contributing and thanking you for the mod. I hope everything will work as you want on your side. Vil'
  20. Hey ! It's me again @Fervis. I found a bug on Radiation Reborn. (A real one this time lol.) There is a problem with gigantamax Centiskorch sprites. In battle, they are simply invisible. The problem comes from the battlers files. And this bug is not present on your other mod, Eevelution Reborn. This one has the right sprites. Here's an example. The one on the left is from Radiation. The one on the right is from Eevelution. As you can see, there is a huge empty space, which is why we don't see the gigantamax sprite in battle. You should just copy the sprite from Eevelution into Radiation. That said, I figure this bug might be fixed when you release his nuclear sprite. One more thing : Sneasel is trying to get off the screen. I don't think this is normal lol. Here's the problem : The sprite number 215 is misoriented. Edit : Do you plan to give animations for nuclear type moves? Even if you use existing animations, it doesn't matter. Vil'
  21. I took care of it. It took me a while to find the relevant lines. megaY=34 megaY=34 if (@battler.index&1)==0 # If player's Pokémon megaX=8 megaX=6 if (@battler.index&1)==0 # If player's Pokémon The file I attached is the one I worked on to fix the problem. On the other hand, I was on Radiation Reborn, so I don't know if the file is original or not. At worst, it will be enough to copy the lines above, then paste them into the same file of a vanilla version of Reborn. From now on, the "M" logo is placed over the shiny logo. PokeBattle_ActualScene.rb I did some debug tests vs wild and Charlotte. With a gigantamax from Eevelution/Uranium Reborn With shiny Vs Gigantamax, with mega-evolution I hope this helped you as much as me lol Vil'
  22. Ah damn, I didn't think it would be so difficult. Thanks for trying anyway, it's nice of you. Do you think we can change the base location defined by the game for the "M" symbol via the script files? Vil'
  23. He only as one, in my first save like on the wiki. This change may be intentional, but that's the kind of fight that's best left unmodified. Edit : Ok, nevermind, the second Arceus was a Duplicat. I attacked one of the two Arceus yesterday, but it seems to be the real one. I was not aware that there was an extra pokemon in his team in Radiation reborn. That said, it's not gamebreaker, but very surprising. It's a hell of a pressure anyway, especially in double mode when you see two Arceus appear lol. I also put in a remix of the Cyrus theme for El and that fight, and it kicks ass even more. Poor nuzlockers, their hearts will give out before they even fight. Anyway, nice job OP, your mod is great. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for your answers. Vil'
  24. Via the debug menu. And there is only one Parson El in the list, as we fight him only one time in this form. Anyway, I just tested legit way, same result. As mentioned above, he sends both at once because of my double battle mode, but even without that he always has two, and just sends them one at a time. Vil'
  25. Hey ! I have a bug to report, which is a bit annoying ahah. I saw that while doing test fights in debug mode to test my custom sound pack. And it's been happening to me since I switched to Uranium reborn. I thought it was my duo mode messing around, but even without it, I don't know at all in which file data of opponents are stored (I've been looking for a while lol, to push my duo mode), so I couldn't fix it myself. Do you know how to solve this problem please? Very good mod btw, it must have taken you a long time. Vil'
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