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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by AverageJJbaEnjoyer

  1. The info is in the doc (called "AllGen Reborn Guide"), in the New Pokemon Location section. Look for Gimmighoul's entry. Expand the text box if you can't see the full thing
  2. Check the excel file in the AllGen folder It should be titled "AllGen Reborn Guide"
  3. @CorruptedJ98 Sorry about that! The sprites are perfectly in line for me on my computer, and I didn't realize that this could be an issue. Because I don't know exactly how much the sprites are offset for you, I'd suggest using the free web program MSpaint to move the sprites and/or crop the image untill it looks right. You can use the lasso tool to circle the sprites and move them left or right to your liking. It only requires a google search, and it's free software, so this is the quickest option I can suggest if you don't have any photo editing tools. I hope this helps! Also, I'm very sorry for this issue being present in the first place.
  4. Hello, everyone. I hope you're all having a wonderful evening (or morning... or whatever). With the release of the paradox Pokémon, I've decided to curate a custom shiny for Iron Valiant that is more reminiscent of Reborn's shinies for the Ralts line. I've always found their designs to be aesthetically pleasing, particularly shiny mega Gallade. I've included a back sprite by @OldSoulja (Which I hope is okay to use, I love your designs!) Anyways, just copy/paste to your Battlers folder to use, renaming if necessary. Enjoy :P
  5. Thanks for the reply! However, I just did the math, and 912 is incorrect. The 731 obtainable vanilla pokemon + the 86 obtainable gen 8 mons + the 83 obtainable gen 9 mons + the 10 new Eeveelutions = 910 pokemon obtainable at this point in progression (16 badges), which corresponds exactly to my current pokedex number. I don't know how you got 912, because I'm 100% certain that the extra 2 are impossible to acquire without wondertrading (I compared all the gaps in my pokedex with Bulbapedia's national pokedex and they were all Legendaries/Mythicals/UBs). Anyways, I hope I didn't cause you any trouble. I love being able to try out all of the new pokemon without a nintendo switch, and it has been an absolute blast. Have a nice day!
  6. Yes, I did. (I had mentioned that in my original comment, but I don't blame you for not spotting it in that massive wall of text lmao)
  7. I completed the Agate city segment. I for sure have those three, as well as Gimmigoul, who I encountered just fine after badge 14 (and evolved into Gholdengo). I have all Hisuians as well. I heard that the some evolution items like the peat block and black augurite were moved, but thankfully I evolved them before I downloaded that particular patch. I quadruple checked, and I have every non-legendary/UB plus Silvally, Phione, and Urshifu. In vanilla Reborn, this is the exact point where Poipole is obtainable, so maybe there are some gen 8/9 legendary encounters that I missed. If not, then it's not the end of the world. I only reported this here in case @Fervis wasn't aware that there may be something wrong. Like someone else said, there's always debug lol (although I'd rather not resort to that ._. )
  8. Hey, so, I'm trying to complete Bee's pokedex quest, but she's just refusing to give me poipole. I spent hours finishing up the pokedex, and made absolutely sure that I had every non-legendary and non-ultra beast. I understand that the rewards were changed to accommodate the new mons, however, I believe that the poipole tier might have been skipped over. She's asking for roughly 920 pokemon (I don't recall the exact dialogue), but my pokedex is only at 910. It may also be possible that she's counting the unobtainable paradox mons, which would absolutely suck, if that were the case. I'm 99.999% positive that I have every currently obtainable pokemon including the gen 8/9 mons, the hisuians, and the new eeveelutions. I have 16 badges, which when the vanilla reborn dex is completable (minus legendaries and UBs). For now, I'll continue checking the pokedex. I would really like to know if this is intentional, or just a little oversight, because I've been going a little crazy cruising through my boxes lol. Sorry for the block of text, and thank you so much for your hard work on this excellent mod! ^-^
  9. Nice work! I was wondering if you could possibly do the same with z-moves, or add an effect which allows mega pokemon to keep their form outside of battle.
  10. Does anyone want an ugly custom shiny for our favorite flamboyant weed cat? Because I made one. I also included a backsprite from the relic castle gen 9 sprite project, all credits to them for the design. I made this shiny on my ipad, so the colors look different from my original design due to the pc port, but it still looks semi-decent imo. Feel free to download and copy/paste to your Battlers folder to use (make sure to replace files). I didn't recolor the icon or make shinies for the pre-evos because I'm lazy :p
  11. Here is the error message: Exception: NoMethodError Message: undefined method 'screensize' for nil:NilClass PokemonSystem:33:in 'pbSetUpSystem' idk:56 in 'startup' Main:1:in 'block in <main>' script yeetifier pro:307: in 'eval' script yeetifier pro:307: in 'block in <main>' script yeetifier pro:303: in 'each' script yeetifier pro:303: in 'each_with_index' script yeetifier pro:303: in '<main>' -e:in 'eval'
  12. Yesterday I encountered an absolutely terrible bug that has possibly prevented me from ever playing Reborn again, and I don't know what to do. Last night, I was playing the game when suddenly my pc froze. This isn't an uncommon event for me, and has happened on a couple prior occasions while playing this fan game. I restarted my pc, which is usually my go-to solution for sudden freezes. When that happens, the game deletes my configs, and my save files go unharmed. But this time, I received a message that my save files where corrupted. Thankfully, I have several backups kept in a different folder, so I wasn't all that concerned. I tried opening the game anyway just to see, and got an error message resulting in an immediate crash. After that, I deleted all of the save files in my saved games folder and replaced them with my backups. However, when I tried to open the game again, I got the same error message. I tried removing my mods folder, but still, an error occurred on startup. It may be important to note that I was playing using Fervis' eeveelution mod. I was getting frustrated, so I deleted the game entirely and instead downloaded vanilla reborn ep19, but upon starting up this entirely new game, I got the same error message. Somehow, this "bug" transcended from my old file to my brand new file, and I couldn't resolve it. I tried clearing everything from my saved games folder, but still the same error message. I tried installing different, modded versions of the game, but still more crashes. I don't know what to do. It's as if my computer is now completely incapable of running this game. If someone can help me resolve this issue, that would be incredible. I love this game, and I don't want to have to powerwash my pc in order to play it again. Thanks. (I forgot to take a photo of the error, but I will later. For now, I'm trying to avoid thinking about Reborn.)
  13. is it possible for you to add just the gen 9 pokemon as an update for now? I missed out on downloading the new patch and my inexperienced a** has been trying to add the new pokemon from essentials for a while lol (Btw, I'm very grateful for your mod and I hope that you and BlueTowel will be able to work things out)
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