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Billy Mckenzie

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Billy Mckenzie

  1. Thanks, I think I'll go with the Delibird, and Galvantula strats you gave I think those will work well. I appreciate the assist. Edit: Realized Galvantula is lv 36 evo, your statement meant Cinccino and Galvantula were midgame, so I'll use Pachirisu.
  2. So I got most of my team figured out but there are two empty spots I gotta fill, and I don't know what to use them for. I got Trubbish for Toxic Spikes, Kricketune for Fury Cutter, Gonna grind up to a Mightyena since they're pretty powerful for early game, and my Frogadier, which while week has torrent and it seems electric terrain gives a boost to water moves, along with the sea incense I got from the fisher guy's pool. But if anyone has any ideas how to round out my team id appreciate it. Btw my 50/50 events gave me Pachirisu, Panpour, Minccino, and Joltik. Along with all other wild and event pokemon I have access too.
  3. So, first off, sorry if this is the wrong place for this. Since this had to do with event pokemon, I think it fits, but I'm unsure. Now onto the actual point. I have played about 55 hours, and before I move on further in the game I want to get all the event pokemon. I got them all, except for the rain based ones pansear/panpour, Tynamo, Blitzle, that type deal. I have had basically bright sun over the weekend and it just changed to the windy weather. I don't know if there is an order to weather effects, but if there is can you tell generally how many days I'll have to wait.
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