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wingdings last won the day on October 19 2024

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  1. Mostly. Some mods that affect battle are incompatible, but stuff like better Itemfinder will work. By default, assume anything that affects battles is incompatible.
  2. Somebody else reported this earlier today, so I checked and realized that there's a bug. Only Shadow Pokemon are supposed to have a 100% catch rate. It's fixed as of the latest patch. Thanks for notifying me! If you actually liked having a perfect catch rate, you can guarantee a capture on any Pokemon by holding CTRL when throwing a ball if Debug is enabled.
  3. The LAWDS Discord server recently hit 100 members, so to commemorate, we've revealed the sixth new Aevian Form, Solosis, obtainable as of the latest patch! This little guy can be found on Route 1 in the post-Cut area, as well as in Honec Woods. It's a part-Bug type and has the signature move, Psychic Harvest. If you like this, join our Discord server to download and play LAWDS now.
  4. Welcome. This is LAWDS, an upcoming enhancement mod for Rejuvenation V13.5. The aim of this mod is to create an experience that will feel fresh to experienced players, while feeling true to the vanilla game. To summarize, this mod contains: Multiple new Aevian forms Full Generation 9 implementation as well as obtainment methods for the majority of Gen 9 Pokemon A difficulty overhaul intended to create a harder experience than base V13.5 (harder than Normal V13, slightly easier than Intense V13) that encourages players to experiment with different strategies. Expanded endgame (post-Chapter 15) content including many more optional battles 20 brand-new Crests, as well as significant glow-ups to underwhelming vanilla Crests And more! LAWDS is currently in development, but test builds are open to the public! Join our Discord Server to play now! This mod is generally intended for people who have completed Rejuvenation V13.5 at least once, so potential spoilers abound. __________________________________________ Features New Aevian Forms LAWDS features several brand-new Aevian Pokemon, many of which have unique moves and abilities that create new playstyles. We currently have five Aevian lines, with a sixth on the way. These are better shown than explained, so click the spoiler tab to see some of what we've got. The others will be a surprise. __________________________________________ Generation IX LAWDS also has full Gen 9 implementation. Most of the Paldea Pokedex will be obtainable. Paldean starters will be among those available in Gearen Lab at the start of the game. We use the recently released Gen 9 Mod Open Beta by Alemi as a codebase, mixed with some custom implementation by yours truly. Huge thanks to everyone who worked on that mod! For balance reasons, some Gen 9 mechanics, such as Snow replacing Hail and Annihilape's evolution method, have been excluded/tweaked. Sprites for Gen 9 Pokemon are credited at the bottom of the post. True to the base game, every Pokemon from Paldea has been given a new custom-made shiny. Here are four of my personal favorites: ________________________________________ Buffs and Crests Some Pokemon have been given tweaks to their stats, movepools, and abilities. As a rule, this is only if the changes we wanted weren't big enough to make a whole Crest for, so don’t expect any massive differences in stats or moves, just glow-ups. Some Pokemon, however, gain access to brand new signature attacks. LAWDS features custom Crests for more than 20 Pokemon, each with their own unique and flavorful effects. We've also included changes to some vanilla Crests to make them more powerful and exciting. ________________________________________ Gmax Overhaul Most Gigantamax Megas have been overhauled. Most of these were pretty underwhelming in the base game, so we gave them a huge amount of attention. Several have been blessed with brand-new, completely unique abilities, resulting in powerful and distinctive playstyles. ________________________________________ Difficulty Overhaul LAWDS revamps just about single major battle, with an emphasis on increased challenge while still being flavorful and in-character for the trainers themselves. We've taken pains to ensure that battles are mechanically varied and unique, presenting challenges that come in many forms. Our philosophy boils down to making fights that are challenging and fun, while still feeling like they could be canon, or at least have some thematic flair to them that feels fitting for the character in question. Likewise, the AI has been significantly improved. Enemy trainers make better decisions, play around threats more intelligently, and are more likely to go for elaborate setup strategies depending on team composition. We currently have Story Mode implementation through Chapter 4 and are working on it further, but most of the game's fights haven't been updated for Story Mode. If you want to experience the mod without having to put up with the difficulty, I recommend playing on Classic mode and taking advantage of passwords like level offset. This is a multifaceted project and the challenge doesn't appeal to everyone, so we support people playing the mod however they want. As stated, Story Mode is actively being worked on and receives regular updates, so stay tuned. In addition to the preexisting bosses, many throwaway fights from the base game have been retooled into proper minibosses. The game is now much denser with fun and challenging battles. There is also an expansion on the Fields system, adding additional interactions for many fields, including Gen 9 moves and abilities These aim to increase the amount of ways a team can be built around a field. On release, the download will include an updated Field Effect Manual that includes all the new interactions. ________________________________________ Other Features We've included minor, non-canon additions to the main story that do not affect the plot or lore, aiming only to flesh out certain character interactions and grant the player access to certain items and Pokemon. Making friends will help. Every Starter Pokemon gains access to a third Ability right from the start of the game. Some of these really give the 'mon a new lease on life that makes them worth choosing from the start. There's also a large amount of post-Chapter 15 content, especially focused on optional boss fights with powerful endgame rewards. Many of these optional battles have new mini sidequests associated with them and are extremely difficult, by far the hardest content LAWDS has to offer. Finally, it seems like Mr. Luck has some new contracts...? Better stock up on Black Prisms. ________________________________________ Progress With the release of the Gen 9 Mod beta, we’re currently focused on Gen 9 integration (wild encounters, event encounters, enemy team changes to incorporate new Pokemon and moves, etc.) and merging our codebase with that of the Gen 9 Mod so that new mechanics will be functional. This is a tedious process that I’ve made a lot of headway on. In the meantime, the mod is also in private testing. If you're interested in LAWDS, check out our Discord server, linked at the top of the post. Test builds are available to anyone who joins! Your testing and feedback are appreciated. Thank you for reading and I hope this post will get people interested! Assuming V14 doesn't release in like three weeks or anything. ________________________________________ Team and Credits Main Team LessLaivyy - sprites and design (especially custom forms!), testing, feedback Arcus72 - sprites and design, testing, concepts and ideas, quests, feedback Wingdings - programming, writing, map editing, balancing & team design, testing Deeffect - balancing & team design, concepts & ideas, hotfixes, map editing, testing, feedback Skullex - sprites (especially custom shinies, most eggs, and icons for custom Aevians), testing, feedback Codebase & Other Coding Credits Gen 9 Mod Open Beta by Alemi Spritework (mostly from Gen 9 Mod) - The-King-Of-Roads-X (Gen 9 Pack Credits) - Mak (Gen 9 Pack Credits) - leParagon (Gen 9 Pack Credits) - Caruban (Gen 9 Pack Credits) - Azria (Gen 9 Pack Credits) - Mashirosakura (Gen 9 Pack Credits) - Katten (Gen 9 Pack Credits) - jinxed (Gen 9 Pack Credits) - OldSoulja (Gen 9 Pack Credits) - Meowscarada's sprite (not the shiny, but the sprite itself) by EBaru on Twitter - Base Aurorus sprite by Dreadwing93 on DeviantArt - Alemi (All battler sprites required from Gen 9 Pack formatted to Rejuv, some edited to fix issues.) - Sapphiada (Fixed a bunch of misaligned shiny sprites and occasional distorted sprite and missing pixels) - ezerart (Gen 9 Pack Credits - icons) - Alemi (Edited all Gen 9 party icons to make coloring consistent with battler sprites. Created Ogerpon Maskless icons.) - Eggs not made by Skullex came from Alemi, Smeargletail, and Ace for the Gen 9 Mod - Stellar type graphics by Alemi (not used in-game but present in files) - Paldean Tauros backsprites by Alemi Gen 9 Mod Animations: - wingdings (Animation, some tweaked from Gen 9 Mod for LAWDS, custom Dragon Darts animation and sprite sheet) - Alemi (Animation, Sprite Sheets, Audio) - 2ndCatch (Animation) - BellBlitzKing (Gen 9 Animation Pack) - KRLW890 (Gen 9 Animation Pack) - Nut0066 (Gen 9 Animation Pack) - Toxillian (Gen 9 Animation Pack + original Ivy Cludgel animation) - QuahogTheCreator (Gen 9 Animation Pack) - Lcorp (Gen 9 Animation Pack) - Shashu-Greninja (Gen 9 Animation Pack) If there are ANY credits I forgot or otherwise failed to include, PLEASE let me know ASAP!!
  5. Here's a weird one that I don't think anyone has asked: What are your favorite and least favorite field conditions in Rejuvenation? Personally i'm an enjoyer of City and Concert Field-- you guys cooked with those-- and hate that goddamn fucking swamp Alternatively, what are your favorite/least favorite specific battles? Either from a design point of view (designing cool fights is fun) or to actually play. Also, without getting into spoilers, what characters are you most excited for in terms of future content/development (besides the obvious like Melia and other main characters, if possible)? Unbelievable work on the game from ALL OF YOU by the way. Rejuvenation is a triumph of hard work and creative drive, and it means a great deal to me to see a game of this caliber exist for a franchise I love very dearly, even (especially) in an unofficial capacity. So thank you :)
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