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Maelstrom last won the day on July 4 2017

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312 Altruist

About Maelstrom

  • Birthday January 29

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    High Fantasy, MMA, white-water rafting, water polo...

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  1. Tfw you face a Takumi, Tiki, and Ike on a team in arena. ffffffff









    That other feel when you manage to win without losing anybody.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Commander


      Tbh, the only thing I'm afraid of is Nino as that basically means Reinhardt dies. Seriously need more red and blue units for team comp, but those three aren't scary with the right team. Mostly a blue unit like Reinhardt, Azura, or Subaki.

    3. AuthorReborn


      Colorless units are the scariest to me atm. Azura can handle the Reds, Lucina the Greens, and Julia the blues, but even Takumi can struggle against colorless foes like Kagero. Particularly frightening is the dancer+Kagero combo. I have a backup calvary team (spearheaded by Reinhardt and Eliwood) in case it ever gets too bad, but for now I like using my Julia team. 

    4. Maelstrom


      Julia's base 35 atk is nice, but her def is so low, no wonder I never took notice of her. Kagero would have have snapped her up right away.

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