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Maelstrom last won the day on July 4 2017

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312 Altruist

About Maelstrom

  • Birthday January 29

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    High Fantasy, MMA, white-water rafting, water polo...

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  1. I really need to go back and re-read the Wheel of Time again.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Oh yeah, definitely worth it. It's definitely gonna be difficult to piece together everything that's happened and all the world building if you miss the first book because each book has SO MUCH in it. In what form do you have the other books? Hardback, paperback? Do you have an e-reader? Well, you probably don't need an e-reader. You can probably buy and download a copy of the book to your cell phone if you wanted to.

    3. BandorKitty


      I have a kindle but my brother has it right now, and I can't buy anything online :( So my best bet is to look in op shops and secondhand bookstores. The ones I have are paperbacks but I don't really mind what I find them in, as long as I find them.

    4. Maelstrom


      I think it larger book shops, like barnes and noble, you can order copies through them if they don't have 'em in stock. I definitely remember places like Barnes and Noble or Hastings having not only hard cover and paper backs, but 3 packs of books in sequential order. Hopefully you can get one of the local book stores to find a copy for ya.

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