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Maelstrom last won the day on July 4 2017

Maelstrom had the most liked content!


312 Altruist

About Maelstrom

  • Birthday January 29

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    High Fantasy, MMA, white-water rafting, water polo...

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  1. I can only imagine my score if there was a dislike button.

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      You are blunt, sarcastic and often tend to kill the mood, but most of the things you say are clever. I personally like post based on how clever it is, not on whether or not I agree, so you could still count on me to at least mitigate the inevitable fall of your score :P

    2. Maelstrom


      Well it ain't all smiles and butterflies. History was forged by strong personalities. You can only defer decisions for so long before you come to your own conclusions.

    3. Rezilia


      Didn't people with strong personalities tend to fall flat on their face throughout history?

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