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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. It's October now. You know what that means...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow


      ...Not that time? No? Okay :c

    3. KingRyan


      what if.....a magikarp used splash, and everyone else (presuming it was a double or triple) used mirror move....

  2. My avatars could beat up your avatars any day of the week. Even the females ones. especially the female ones
  3. Is that his evil expression/attire? @ Everybody else: There is an avatar showcase thread in this board. If you want a good suggestion for an avatar, you should post all your past avatars there so people will be able to come up with suggestions for you.
  4. Running sucks, but you gotta do it. Other suggestions: do box jumps to train leg strength and jump height at the same time. I didn't play BB much but I too sucked at dribbling. That never changed. Did decent at taking shots though, but that's always a skill you want to develop anyways. You could always just try dribbling every day to and from classes or wherever you're allowed to bounce one just to constantly, unconsciously work on those skills. But watch out for the friends and asshats who think stealing the ball is a good joke. Hell, keeping them from doing it might actually help you out.
  5. Cpt Picard drinks Earl Grey. All you other tea drinkers are invalid.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I mean it's cause Earl Grey is the legit best tea in existence. I jsut like to mix ti up every now and then.

    2. TimTim


      Enterprise standard issued tea~

    3. Kelazi5


      Someday I want to try Earl Grey, even though I've never drank tea before, just because of Picard.

  6. #1 way of transmission- touching your eyes after touching common surfaces that sick people touch, like doorknobs and tables. Lots of exercise + really big meal = really sleepy
  7. @ Pyon/anyone else who likes it @Jericho
  8. Tfw you are reminded of facebook for the second time in the same month. That's just highly irregular.
  9. Didn't play this game, but I like this guy's design.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      OH I GET IT




    3. Maelstrom


      So he's always looking for some booty, eh?

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Oh yea, definitely. Alllllll the tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime.

  10. Too much Destiny, not enough sleep. About to remedy that...

    1. KingRyan


      fly by in the space ships, got artillery for the basics, light speed to the war of the races, gettin' all caught up in a stasis!

  11. So I recently became an anime club officer and the first thing I really have to do is head up the cooking project we're doing today. I had to retype up the recipe real quick because the one they gave me was rough as hell. Now that I'm done typing it up, I figured I'd share it with you guys. It's an interesting little Japanese dish that we're gonna try to make later today. You're suppose to mold the rice into two oval shapes and then wrap them up in the egg crepe.
  12. Pho does a body good.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Na, she jsut told me about it, don't live nearby. ((she defintiely mentioned that part and said if I ever met her irl she'd teach me XD>))

    3. Arkhi


      I had some last night. It works wonders when you're sick.

    4. InnocentSerenity


      /me doesn't find the pun. Pho sure.

  13. Yeah, I still need to play around with the beetle guy and get a better feel for his attack speeds and limitations. His pillar is a great anti-approach tool that nets him a good combo. But yeah, Orcane is really fun and pulls out some hurt if your opponent lets their guard down and forgets about that puddle placement.
  14. Tfw several responsibilities press in on you at once and you're like "Fuck it, time to step up."

  15. The could shoulder treatment never bothered me anyways, scrub. When will you learn?

  16. Correction- everyone in FLORIDA drives like an ass. Drive 10 mph over the limit even when the light ahead is red, tailgate everybody because why not. Wtf are turn signals? Sorry not sorry for cutting in front of you but you weren't speeding by 20 mph over the limit like me. But hey, it might be because any freeway that might get you anywhere in a decent amount of time is a toll freeway. Which charges way too much. Because Florida, with all the income it has flowing in, can't pay for roads with tax money. I give Florida two flipped birds out of two. Also, all the medians are concrete islands so you have to pull a bitch (colloquial for u-turn) at the next light if the place you want to go to is on the other side of the road.
  17. Jill? That feel when you analyze the design and structure of a recipe you typed up like a boss.
  18. Shh, I'm on a secret mission in uncharted space.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vinny


      Become Ark? Wait, so you're saying he's not Ark? wat?

    3. Magus


      You ain't a space marine bruther.

    4. Maelstrom


      When in Rome, be disguised as a Roman.

  19. Dude, platforming areas with no bottom/ground still get me. Heights make me uncomfortable.
  20. Isn't it wonderful how there are taco bells on base? *rolls eyes* lay on the salt, buddy.
  21. So who is up for the Oryx raid?

    1. KingRyan


      I AM! or at least i wish i was. at uni atm and haven't even gotten past lvl 34.

    2. Maelstrom


      So... you don't have the expansion?

  22. TIL that my microbiology lab partner is on the university's LoL team. TIAL that the university has a LoL team.
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