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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. TIL that Mattew Mercer, the mind behind There Will Brawl (written and directed by him, and is Ganon) is the voice for the male human in Destiny. Oh, and he's Kanji's voice from P4
  2. What did that poor book ever do to you?
  3. When running away from overwhelming enemy fire only to find myself face to face with a cursed thrall. For those of you who don't play destiny, they're basically suicide bombers who blow up when they get close enough to you.
  4. The first and most basic step to having any sort of balance is registering for classes. This is your one and only chance to set the pace for an entire semester. You can block classes together so you knock them out of the way and get on with your work and life, or you can have your classes spread thoughout the day, which keeps you on campus all day but you have the added latitude of being able to do last minute stuff between classes or actually get a head start on required reading and things like that before moving on to the next subject. Unlike girls, a guy has to go hunting for relationships, cultivate them. I suggest staying within your field. People going for the same major and taking the same classes will better understand your time constraints and just have more in common to talk about. Try not to go out of your way for a relationship but if it just happens, you know you'll have to crack down and be more efficient with the time you have left.
  5. Say that to his face. If that doesn't fix things, tell it to management. You don't have time to be putting up with that shit. You have a life and a schedule to be respected.
  6. All that job needs is the license to beat people over the head with a stick when they are being that stupid.
  7. Technical writing is indeed a profession, one in which I believe I could excel at.
  8. He who rules the world of dreams...

  9. KK Condor, because it reminds me of the good south american panpipe music that I can't seem to find amongst my cd's. Because this reminded me of kk condor.
  10. What in hell's name made that sound like a good idea? Tfw watching godot play Shantae 2 and all I can think is "I whip my hair back and forth..."
  11. You know she's not interested in you when you realize the address she gave you is the wrong castle.

  12. stupid google translate, romaji =/= english you piece of shit.
  13. the closest thing I could find was the black goldfish one and you didn't use it so... good luck.
  14. TIL that John Cena has granted the most wishes in Make-A-Wish-History. I have to give him insane props for that. FU winter
  15. Don't underestimate the power of the Arc side. Be a --sithlord-- stormcaller.

  16. Back in the day when I really cared, it took forever to get something like a paper done because things had to be worded just precisely and stuff. I would still procrastinate mostly, but that's cuz it took so much time to get it right, line by slow line. But then the last minute thing really helps you to focus and be decisive for the sake of time. Now that I care significantly less, a lot of things have gone downhill. So really, even if you procrastinate, don't lose the motivation to at least do it to your top standard.
  17. I think there are quite a few of us who could probably help with English things. General knowledge, editing, phrasing, etc. My microbio class, even as an easy, non-biomajor course (aka for medical field students) is quite the refresher of things biology for me. Mayhaps I may help there. Government. iirc you don't live in the US so I'd actually be interested in learning about your own country's government. I also get the feeling that you might want your friends to ask you about what you've managed to do each day in order to help keep you on track because I'm lazy and that's kind of something I would do if I were serious about being unlazy. Good luck.
  18. Eh, the article I read says you'll only be short early on but then your growth catches up later in your early teens. Which yours obviously did, cuz I'm only 5'7" and average heights will change depending on who you talk to and what country you're in, but the number I've heard as average is 5'9". So short is probably more relative to your family's male heights. If your family is super tall, like a lot of people up in Minnesota and stuff, you'd be considered very short. Something, something, evolution, large sizes helps fight heat loss, something. Friggin frost giants over there.
  19. I've got it, and by extension Godot can borrow it from me. I'll probably be looking to recreate certain places and themes.
  20. TIL where they got the name for the Tenzin in Legend of Korra.
  21. I was leading in Mayhem with both my warlock and my titan. Just imagine the havok I'll wreak with gunslinger hunter.

    1. KingRyan


      please, it's no ULTIMATE POOOWEEEEEER

      <--- soon to be storm caller

    2. Maelstrom


      Yeah, storm caller in less than 24 hrs

  22. Guess I'll stop and make burgers after this.

    1. KingRyan


      I guess i'll stop and make cereal after this.

    2. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Guess I'll stop and make ice cream after this.

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      Guess I'll stop and make jokes after this.

  23. I can only care so much before I start punching faces in. At other times, I start punching faces in because I care that much.

    1. laggless01


      Sounds like Care Bear Combat.

  24. tfw people hide things from other people and then they expect those other people to understand how they are truly being affected.
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