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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. We will not go quietly into the night.

    1. AuthorReborn


      Do not go gentle into that good night.

    2. Maelstrom
  2. of course, that's what the premium profile is for. #pigswag
  3. tfw zygarde has a gundam form and a doberman form. wtf. I knew I was done with GF bullshit but this is the cherry on top. jeebus, I hope pokemon go is actually good... wtf is wrong with greninja's face?! I'm with Jeri, this had better be fake or i destroy the gamefreak building nearest me with my bare hands.
  4. Maybe if you have some sort of background that is familiar with symptoms of autism. I'm not saying you have anything to tell us but... I don't know that I would not have picked up anything other than some thought processes wouldn't be considered normal.
  5. This is part of the reason no one respects smogon.
  6. That's cuz the Mario ones were 90% joke.
  7. Gardevoir is in pokken so now that you've gotten wet, might as well take the plunge. Skarmory might have the potential for an interesting set. Fliers in general might be difficult to fit in.
  8. "You can't be serious."

    1. AuthorReborn


      "That's ridiculous."

  9. @Kuro Things that I think would fit your aesthetic and my own taste has been hard to find lately. Even for Hilda, 2 out of the 3 were wild shots. And this one for you feels like a wild shot. But then I'm suddenly finding some decent stuff as i post and maybe one of these will fit ok. @zephy @omegaraider @Jericho @ anyone who loves Chandelure @Dobby @Hilda
  10. Kinda hungry now.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Etesian


      combine them and make peach burgers. start selling them to the people that like pineapple pizza, get rich, then buy actually good food. boom.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I don't think Peach Burgers would relate to Pinapple Pizza. Peachs and Pineapple aren't sweet in the same way. Peaches are fully sweet, while Pinapples have jsut enough bite in them that it doesn;t totally ruin the Pizza. ((it's the tang that makes it fit kinda.)) I personally don't like Pinapple pizza much, but it sounds thousands of times better than putting a Peach on a burger.

    4. Etesian


      RIP business model, 2015-2015. We'll bury you next to that failed joke attempt. OH WAIT :P

  11. Adventure lives on.

  12. I find this to be one of the best quotes ever.
  13. If such things can believed, you cannot do it all alone. You need an anchor.
  14. The movie you are referencing is called Gattaga, which I mentioned earlier.
  15. Kill the world more slowly when we can operate more efficiently than we ever could before. Indeed. Postpone the apocalypse. Vegetarians have been harping on this point for years. I mean what with the higher level of energy required to sustain higher and higher level predators in the world, considering that we are the apex predators of every single example. Wars are a matter of both history and strength. The united states has both on its side. The ability to withstand space travel and time = the ability to go to other planets and inhabit them. Your pessimism does not actually hinder progress- it fuels it.
  16. A lot of such things are a trap. just saying.
  17. I think I finally got stuff working right. Except for the controller. I need to somehow change my xbox1 controller to analog or something so the computer will read the trigger buttons so I can finish the controller calibration.
  18. Man, you are all so afraid. Simple is a matter of perspective. Bacteria is simple. We are not. We are complex. We are complex because we are capable of interacting with and manipulating our environment. This is just more of the same. Maybe it's not for everyone but for those who can adapt to this change, it opens an incredible host of new possibilities. It is simple historical fact that those who resist change the most are left in the dust and then overtaken by everyone else. Just look at the Middle East, Africa, 'native' races on each continent. Sure, there will be issues that come up, but there will be different approaches and solutions as well. Humanity has stopped evolving physically. Hereditary diseases are coped with and physical and mental issues persist instead of being weeded out as they once were. This is both strength and weakness of living together as a society. I'm for the idea of directing and controlling changes. Just because we change doesn't mean we reckless and heedlessly toss away moral values at the same time. Even as I changed from catholic to atheist, there were still many moral foundations that I kept with me. Because they still work but have a different, rational explanation to back them. That logical foundation doesn't just vanish. Especially when logic is the force behind these technological advances. If you cannot mentally adapt to physical changes, you will be weeded out and humanity will evolve mentally without you. Make no mistake, there will be losses and gains with modification. You will have to figure out the best route for you. Popular references: Cyborg, teen titans Gattaga
  19. Ice is a last hit kill stealer.

    1. Shamitako


      Kill it with fire

  20. wow, such numbers much inaccuracy this is terrible tbh.
  21. Ronald Jenkees is kind of old news now but I get the feeling that a lot of you have never heard his stuff so let me post some of my favorites. best one? ps, skrillex is a scrub
  22. Because the full thing needs to be seen.
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