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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. "Fuck you, you, you, and you in particular." Dunno who said it first but this has been my war cry in destiny lately. Especially when I'm on a spree and killing the jerk face camping snipers and thorn users. Get good, scrubs.
  2. As much as I like that translation and interpretation of crossing field better than the first google result for translated lyrics (http://www.animelyrics.com/anime/sao/crossingfield.htm), I prefer the original japanese voice. Aesthetically, it just sounds better to me. I just wanted to put this in before I crash out for the night and before I swamped you guys with musics. But for a good hint, you can search for Mael's Japanese playlist for a good chunk of 'em.
  3. Whatever it is, you get $R revoked for spamming/needless topics and replies. :feelsgn: I believe you are fined more than you gained, as a penalty.
  4. My first thought at the idea of Trump becoming president was, "I don't want to live in this country anymore." My second thought was, "wow, that's exactly what the Republicans said when Obama became president." ... fack. other random thoughts: the right to bear arms was intended to keep citizens armed so that they could fight an oppressive government should one arise. Because they would have the means to fight off the army, controlled by said government. The ones most worried about losing firearms are conservative republicans. The military is full up to their eyeballs in conservative republicans. They are worried that the military (manned and powered basically by themselves) would follow orders to violate constitutional rights and turn their weapons on civilians. I know it's an aside from the issue of the actually efficacy of gun control measures, but the irony always made me laugh- dear republicans, you are afraid of a republican army. You truly believe your blood and political kin would turn against you and not question it. and lost my other random thought. Still need to see the recording of the debates and stuff. I keep forgetting.
  5. I never thought I'd say this, but clearly Carl is the smart one in this situation.
  6. I haven't played it in months. Probably approaching a full year of not playing. But I always farmed for bells by fishing and catching bugs. How about you guys?
  7. When you pray for rain, you have to deal with the mud too.

    1. Jan


      I like this a lot.

  8. The most important days of a man's life are the day he was born and the day he finds out why.
  9. I wonder who it could be.

  10. Not to trust people who hide their mouths with their hand when they laugh. like in kids next door, adults are either incompetent or evil and a random group of teens are capable of saving the world through BS. Going to an onsen (hot spring)? High reaction speed is boss. (SAO, Accel World) The japanese never age. They are stuck as loli's for life.
  11. Superman DOESN'T have combat skills. He's just impervious to damage.
  12. As with Hilda, I have a harem, and will be adding to the as I remember them. Saeko Busujima, high school of the dead Kanami, Log Horizon Naoto Shirogane, P4 Akatsuki, Log Horizon Both of these ladies: Tiki, adult, FEA Tifa Lockheart, FF7 Aqua, KH BBS
  13. Remind me to stretch out tonight. My ass and legs are still sore AF from aikido exercises yesterday.

    1. Flux


      Remember to stretch out tonight!

    2. SnowGlaceon


      Remember, your ass is sore!

  14. CoD was good at first then it progressively got worse with balance issues and stale maps and reselling maps. Tried to get into bf but I didn't like it much. MAG was a huge disappointment. BL2 was great. Enjoyed destiny but bungievision are being asswipes right now. I will play halo 5 but haven't played any of the previous ones in a while. Probably gonna get back into war frame when the new destiny expansion comes out. So yeah, done a lot of shooters. Oh yeah, didn't like tf2. Never heard of rush didn't like the cod zombie stuff and... I don't foe on pc like you do
  15. This isn't funny. It's nightmare material.
  16. If you are gonna be edgy, I'm going to be blunt.

  17. Here's a tip: don't eat yellow snow.

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      But it's just lemon

    2. zimvader42


      Instead: eat green snow.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Definitely stay away from the brown snow.

  18. Get your own steak if you know what's good for ya. Keep this in mind and you will have a happy birthday. =P
  19. TIL something sad about the original yellow power ranger.
  20. depends on how big those meatballs are, but i'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt. Edit:
  21. Specifically brunette bombshells are hard. I'm looking through my stuff and I keep seeing all the colors of the rainbow. And dark reds that could be brown in a certain light. And then the reasonable bust requirement. That's also limiting cuz its hard to find an artist who likes to draw them merely as big instead of massive sometimes. do not look up Cattleya from Queen's Blade like this set might even be a tad too big for what I think you're looking for... but it's still done really well. @shia
  22. That's a tall order. Before I read that, I lined up a few things but so far I'd say only one fits the bill. The rest have different colored hair. So, I guess the first one will the closest one atm. Fruit of the First Tree Benevolent Offering Olive, Log Horizon Edit:
  23. You know, you're a terrible doppleganger. There are three meals. You know that song that goes 'pizza in the morning, pizza in the evening, pizza at supper time!"? It's almost true. You replace pizza with meat and you've got it correct. Taco bell 4th meals are a mistake. The mistake being that the meat is from taco bell. If you ain't happy with what you're eating day after day... it's because you aren't eating enough meat. You know what else is regimented like your diet? Prison.
  24. yeah, well there's a difference between too much cyanide and drinking so much water that you die.
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