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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. I would have gotten the guy who has too many scarves another scarf for his birthday, but all the jerks above me bought 'em out. So instead, I got you an ascot. The scarf's stylish, warm weather friendly cousin. So yeah happy cake-in-face day, Ark. besides, idk if I can find anything music right now that you would enjoy as much as that one in the theme thread
  2. Who is up for some Smash 3ds?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Maelstrom


      jump on in, pyrr

    3. Solarance


      And I can't find my 3ds >.>

    4. Guzam


      I'm sorry I'll be in rite about... soon

  3. I jumped from 1336 to 1339, leaping over a certain milestone. >>

    1. Arkhi


      Your memes weren't dank enough :(

    2. Avatar of Grima
  4. Do a barrel roll! - Cranky Kong to DK
  5. Maelstrom


    Banned for not having lag. And still losing online games.
  6. You did not break me. I'm still fighting for peace.

  7. The video is... something else, but I'm really loving the sound and the lyrics lately. expressive shia is expressive Sia- Elastic Heart
  8. for bad guy Jericho for whom there is no solace
  9. This cold is killing me.

    1. Meruem



    2. Maelstrom


      No, like the airway passage that leads down to the back of my throat is on fire and shit.

  10. But male privilege though. Or is it Mael privilege? Either way, I'm fine the way I am, thanks.
  11. I might have to look at lower tiers of pokemon. As reborn has shown, without the normal ou powerhouses, you can get a lot more creative with what you have to work with.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Alakazam has always been awesome though.

    3. Sheep


      UU isn't exactly the lower tiers. Come down and play PU with me for a while and I'll teach you about the power of an Assault Vest Stoutland.

    4. Maelstrom


      Having had a stoutland in-game, I know it's a beast.

  12. I come here expecting the rock and stone soup. Instead I get crispy bacon when I like soft, chewy bacon. Le sigh. Welcome. You just made the leap out of the frying pan and into the fire, I mean forums. Leaving is not an option.
  13. some daily deviations are better than others, imo http://www.deviantart.com/art/Llawenhyth-460070228
  14. I love Carracosta pretty much for all the same reasons I love blastoise- blue water type turtle. but this turtle packs a bigger punch is known to pimp slap submarines into oblivion on occasion. I didn't used to like aerodactyl but it's become my other favorite because of its sheer awesomeness in battle. As my lead pokemon with focus sash, SR, taunt, SE, and Ice Fang, it hit hard and fast, prevented set ups, and was great to save for later for revenge kills. I was disappointed in archeops. I was hoping for more of a jurassic park raptor design than for them to go with the evolving into birds theme. And of course that terrible ability that tried to balance out its high stats. I was hoping for a triceratops but we got a bastiodon instead. Aggron is a great consolation though. ---- on a side note---- what do you think would be great to have as the next fossil pokemon? Dilophosorus- rock/poison Stegosaurus/ankylosaurus anyone?
  15. Sounds like making a change just to say they're making a change and placate people. Although it wouldn't be a bad thing if cops had to give 'business' cards with some of their info on the front of it and the complaint department's phone number on the back. I was given to understand that proportionally necessary force was already part of the system. Are they trying to re-invent the wheel? Some cops just have bad judgement and you have to deal with accordingly.
  16. Don't tread on me.

    1. Dark Desire

      Dark Desire

      *treads anyway*

    2. Peepeepoopoo


      Sad but true.

    3. Maelstrom


      Shush, DD. *DD has been badly poisoned*

  17. Hmm, that's one set of reasoning that I've heard not at all from religious opposition. So god made adam and eve as a unit and told them to be one. Does compatibility and personality work into it at all? Cuz it's like, god said this, and anything else is taken as heretical. With the last being taken as true by theists without being explicitly stated by god. And your explanation is more of, it's a waste of time, rather than it's a bad thing. Another first in my personal history of arguments against such a thing. Such things always beg the question of why, though. That really isn't explained. god took a rib from adam to make a woman, eve. could got not have taken a rib from a future adam to make future steve, without whom adam is not whole? Genitalia notwithstanding. Societies have taken it that same sex couples are more pure, since they are thought not to have any possibility of being mistaken with lust. It seems that lust > love for the church, in that respect. Men and women have been fruitful. overpopulation in china and india argue that fact. is that all there is to god's mandate? why can they not hold a ceremony with the hope and wish that god may choose to be a part of it? as interpreters of religious texts are aware, there are many meanings to words and phrases. it has been the key to their adaptation from ancient to modern times. men and women may be 'fruitful' in other ways. god preaches love for all, does he not? it still seems really odd to make these petty distinctions to me.
  18. Because this has been dead since January for unknown reasons and I had reasons to post again only just recently. Also, for some reason, this one made me think of Hilda. Probably something to do with reason and debates and things. I mean look at the title and lyrics.
  19. How much will I regret later, I wonder?

    1. Felicity


      As much as you consider to have been a bad choice.

  20. Someone on the forums once said that people seem to think that changing from a theist to an atheist or agnostic seem to think they deserve a medal. And I responded that yeah, it takes something more that ordinary to break away from that brainwashing, that conditioning, and explore reality with an open mind. More or less anyways. It takes something else to look at what someone has always told you was on way, and then figure out that there's a possibility for it to be another way. You were raised by people who said you had to be this, do this, act this way. And at certain points in your life you realized that this wasn't the only way, that maybe it wasn't even the right way. That's a hell of a big deal. I applaud you for that, I really do. Zero motivation, zero ideas, and completely drained? sounds like me, at both the end of my time at the university and at the end of my time with the army. Finding that thing that fits you as a career, as far as ability, aptitude, and demand? There may be no such thing. Religion might tell you that any drawbacks are intentional, part and parcel of some grand scheme. I don't think so. If there's something you want, you have to put up with what it takes to get there. Maybe more school, maybe less pay, maybe any number of other things. Don't expect perfection. Only you can determine whether you can balance what you want with what you need... and what is right. Most people don't settle for what they want. They settle for what they can get. Ideals are fine and all. They mean something to me. But they aren't shared by everybody. And that's the kicker.
  21. The current covenant, being the new instead of the old testament, where does it define marriage as man and woman again? I really don't recall. Or was this selective editing of old covenant rules? Cuz I still don't remember where Jesus said men should not marry other men and women should not marry other women. TBH it's been a while and I don't remember your argument about what was relevant and what wasn't now.
  22. America is the oldest and longest lasting democracies in history. Greece doesn't count because it ended. I don't know how familiar you are with the social contract, because that explains a lot. You give up 'freedoms' to gain security. The idea is to have an open mind, with a few important caveats. Like life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Without the social contract, that thing that protects the lives of everyone, why would you not kill me for the stuff I have? So you don't get killed likewise of course. Because I would own you, awake or asleep. People as a society could not coexist. We would be like lion prides, marked territory and life on the line for any who would dare break those barriers. And what would be the total sum of human accomplishment then? We've gone beyond defining success as the strongest, or the smartest, or the most charismatic. Human rights give a certain amount of opportunity. The opportunity to reach one's potential and make an impact on humanity in any number of ways. While imperfect, the idea is to provide the most opportunity possible. The basis is that everyone has a better chance for their different ideas to be heard, weighed, and measured against others. Or for their physical attributes to be the key to their success. And as I've noted elsewhere, you have the freedom to say whatever you want. Everybody else has the right to call whatever you say 'bullshit'. These arise from the idea that no one person is absolute, no one is perfect. If you can name a perfection, any number of people can name fallacies in the same thing. That being said, those with the most knowledge of the world have the greatest basis for saying things are certain ways and not another. They are generally given the most deference, for having been proven right the most times. I think your questions are more provocative than seeking true answers. Most people asking these questions have their own resolution made up already. You just want to see what others have come up with and compare. And so is your life question 2 of 3 more anger inspiring than before. You dare question foundations that most have not thought to question.
  23. considering that 25 hp is gonna be more or less the high cap... maybe. Gotta look to leaders for something special I guess. god Corrin Kamui is ugly AF.
  24. RIP mark hamil. Troy Baker is amazeballz.

  25. I wouldn't say theme per se, but I was listening to my iphone while driving and these made me think of certain reborn members as a result of music style and/or lyrics Ikaru Dobby Arkhidon
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