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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Idk, kinda hard to find certain things, even if you have something in mind.
  2. Warframe is a pretty fun f2p fps. It does get stale once you hit certain walls, but that's pretty much every f2p ever.
  3. 1. I've edited my post, so I hope you will read what I've added. It's actually quite a bit because when it comes to some things it takes a while to put into adequate words. 2. I forgot what I was gonna say but yeah... um... look at #1?
  4. Well, first off, please forgive me for that second train of thought that you've quoted. i've spent too much time playing Destiny and Destiny 2, mulling over things in a way that makes commercial sense. It's a thing hard to get away from or ignore when dealing with developers and the desire to put food on the table. In this case, I was just curious if you were willing to flesh out stories that delved in the beginnings and psyches of certain characters or if it would be too personal to the real life inspirations. I was also trying to feel out how receptive you were to putting all that down to painful detail or if you felt that better left as previously stated. When characters are your own, it's one thing. If they're inspired by others, perhaps it's something... you aren't willing to put into words? Be sure, I was simply trying to tie down certain things to comparable tropes and gaming decisions. I think my general idea was to put you in the mindset that IF you had to make something extra, while appealing to the fanbase, worth their hard earned dollars for something extra or added on... what kind of 'dlc' or postgame story would you pursue? I truly understand how such a line of thinking would be how to exploit the fanbase. But rather than that, my line of thinking is what kind of 'extra' things could you include to fully realize every aspect of the complex human situation you are telling within the Reborn story line in order to perhaps answer questions the fanbase has about certain things within the story line. Everything about your efforts and all those who have helped you along the way have always come at the price of Free. It's a thing that shouldn't need to be stated, but it is a thing that should be known as the labor of love that it is, not of commercial interest. But sometimes it is a helpful framework to imagine if there was a commercial interest to the continuation or a true conclusion of a game, and to consider what such an interest would entail. Enough for a sequel, or enough for a side campaign to truly find everything in their rightful place. You need not place a value on it, simply ask whether or not there would be an interest in the fuller story of something that might be otherwise an aside from the main adventure. The reason I say dic is because the post-game is stuff that should happen after the game. DLC generally encompasses other parts of the story. Mayhaps one could characterize them as chapters of a prequel? A look at all the characters and events in a way that ties them all together and throws all their plans awry with arrival of the game's protagonist, the player. In the way that a post-game helps cement the conclusion... the dlc or prequel side of things would build up the world and characters' actions up to the point of the start of the game. The point where everyone's efforts collide. You've built quite a rich world that only grinding has kept me away from. I only mean to introduce ideas that would surely keep you busy and away from the project you already stated you wish to work on more wholly. Starlight was it? In anything worth doing... there is so much work to be done.
  5. It really does depend on the game. As far as canon pokemon games go, I too lose motivation to do post-game stuff. A lot of that stuff is backtracking, or just doing competitive style stuff in battle-towers/trains/etc. Other times its just ludicrous things with Looker, Interpol's daftest agent. A lot of the problem with post-game stuff that I've noticed is that it's usually very vague/open ended and leaves you to discover for yourself by randomly revisiting places you've already tread over hundreds of times before. Some of that is nice sometimes (mostly if it was hinted at early on that you can't go there until X/endgame happens, like Mewtwo and Cerulean Cave), but most of the time linear, directed main stories are nice are because they give you clear goals and destinations to shoot for, encounters to prep for... honestly, the best postgame stuff I'd have to say is stuff that continues the story from the climax that helps tie up lose ends or hints at what's coming next in the series while still providing a challenge. Parts of the stories that you want to find out how it wraps up, but aren't as big and epic as the overarching conclusion of the game's climax. Like, a decent postgame for sun/moon would have had you rooting out the last strongholds of the laughable team skull instead of completely ignoring them to hunt completely absurd and ridiculous 'ultra beasts'. If a game is all wrapped up and finished in all its story lines and tangents, you don't need a post game. But if you wanna provide more challenges and loot that maybe didn't fit in line with the progression of the main story, or tie up the loose ends, the post-game is very important. Like, post-game for a persona game generally doesn't make sense, but it does have a new game+ if you wanna get to things that activities, time, and knowledge did not permit the first time around. You know how some 'based on a true story' movies will have that little captioned slideshow telling how each person ended up after the events of the movie? A good post game is like that. But instead of a slideshow, it's a fulfilling experience that gives the fan closure. For many a poke fan, post-game content is actually a nuzlocke run. Something to continue the challenge and growth of skills and tactics of the main game. Just keep in mind that most games reward challenge achievers with some kind of mark/emblem/distinctive gear that lets other people see at a glance that they were able to overcome certain challenges and requirements. Games like destiny grant you exotic or exotic looking gear and weapons, while games like megaman give you a collection of stars at the start screen to tally up your biggest feat completions. Post game is always optional, but many gamers like it more when there is a reason to come back and play a game even after the main story is over. I've a question for you Ame. Imagine you are done with the game, the main story all told and over with. What would be DLC content to you, thinking of it like a commercial game developer? Would you make story segments, reliving the moments that brings to life the backstories of certain reborn characters that were only revealed in exposition in the main game? Playing as them, experiencing the world as them as they live and narrate their lives until they come across that point of no return where they fully become that person that the player meets and interacts with in the main game? What are the possibilities that you see, Ame?
  6. Well, it also means old man. It's actually more of a member title than a rank, and it's custom. You might be able to change yours under edit profile, or it might be an ace thing. I forget.
  7. I'd also recommend Valkyria Chronicles (it has a sequel but idk if that's on steam). It's a tactical rpg like FE, but with social elements that are a little akin to FE and persona, but has fps shooter elements, which is just basically allowing you to take aim at your target to change accuracy chances (whether you go for headshot, body shot, or aiming at specific points on vehicles. Definitely an enjoyable game that presents a good challenge.
  8. Added FE Warriors to the list, and decided to try out FF Mobius because why not.
  9. @Corso What app are you using? And which hello? they have a different one depending on the time of day. Also, 'ware the numbers when counting different things... like time, round things, flat things, long things...
  10. If reborn was an anime series, it would quickly turn into a long series of Nonary games with Junko masterminding every death.
  11. I'm sure biology plays a component, even if it isn't the whole answer. What GS ball posted is a pretty good starting point in trying to figure it out from a somewhat more clinical perspective.
  12. Those last three, along with Mozart Vs Skrillex are probably my top favorites from the series.
  13. I've got a few that come to mind right away. . . . Humor is the second best medicine. alcohol takes the top spot
  14. If the last day that you won was a holiday, do even want to win another day again?

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  15. Console: Ys 8, Destiny 2, Overwatch Mobile: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, Mortal Kombat X
  16. Honestly, that's a terrible name, but I really do enjoy the character and the show it references.

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    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ainz Ooal Gown

      Ainz Ooal Gown

      And don't forget the Pleiades as well XD

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      That they do. That theeey do~ 

      and lol, who could? ((bit of a shame that they felt quite a bit relagated in the anime adaption, though they didn't cut Narberal's part luckily. Probably my second fav after Albedo...? Not sure hard for me to really pick favs cause l really love all the characters to some extent XD))

    4. Ainz Ooal Gown

      Ainz Ooal Gown

      My current fav is definitely Ainz, cuz i love to see him barely able to keep the image of an Overlord to his subordinates while he's originally just an average working man... And i also loved that most of NW residents underestimated Nazarick at first for only to get rekt later XD

  17. Well, I'd say it's also cuz her summon animation is rather gratuitous. My question is why are you using Tidus so much? He's got mobility and speed sure, but it seems super awkward to use and control while having not that much power to his hits.
  18. If you want to torture yourself, watch "Restaurant to Another World" when you're hungry.

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  19. Happy Birthday, Sheepy. I got you a sandwich. Hope you don't mind that it isn't ice cream.
  20. Well, I've really only played Hyrule Warriors as a spinoff, because for me number mowing means almost nothing if those enemies didn't present any sort of challenge or a unique element to beating them. It's a one button game, really. Have you ever just stopped and stood still to see what these hordes of enemies actually do? They sit and stare at you. I've always been of two minds about hyrule warriors. It has some fun elements, and then it just stops being fun after a while or if you look closely at it. So if there are fewer enemies on the screen, it wouldn't take away anything from the game for me.
  21. Yeah, they'll probably have different switch bundles when you get it around Christmas time. I'd suggest going for the one with the newest-released game you want and buy older games like Splatoon and Zelda individually, since they should be on sale for cheaper by then. As far as FE Warriors, I'd wait to see about the online coop situation, or if it'll be local/couch only. If there is online coop, I'd go 3DS because far more people have it than people who own a switch, including members of this here community. So, even if I did own a switch, I'd still probably opt for the 3DS version. It'll just be a bit nicer on the switch graphically. I am curious as to the control comparison though. Maybe motion controls would make for a better experience if it supports it.
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