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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Pacman has mastered the power of portals with his trampoline.
  2. Tfw you start up MMBN2 on the wiiu virtual console... and you open your chip collect and see that you have all 4 gospels and some other * chips that are really OP in the beginning of the game. I mean, I ran through and got to the first boss fight with Wind man. He has 300 hp. I got a gospel chip and one-shot him for 600 damage. Jeez.
  3. Gotta let the wii tablet charge or I would still be owning lvl 20's as a lvl 7.

  4. This lvl 4 guy might be kind of awesome...
  5. Cuz it's rather well known across the US (and perhaps the globe?) and has a lot of really interesting characters and motifs to play around with. Can't really think of any other mythology that has as much character. Ancient egyptian might come close, but I'm not all that familiar with them. Besides, what says western culture as much as the ancient Greeks, one of the roots of western civilization?
  6. If you say so. I was thinking of DBZ Corin who grows the senzu beans.
  7. I really wanna know the story behind this one.
  8. Chrom gave the group direction and cohesion. Robin IS a main character as the group's tactician and especially when you find out And I wouldn't say Chrom is overshadowed when you can reclass him and buff him up to holy hell levels too. I hope I can really change Corrin's default look cuz I really don't like that look at all. And the one whose design Godot doesn't like is basically a white, blond version of marth. And someone who helps corrin early on with a moral dilemma.
  9. Break a future and forge it anew.

  10. It doesn't look like it'll be set in the same world as FE:A. It might tie in some way through 'the outworld' stuff, but that's about it.
  11. Yes, because if we hear it, we'll begin to believe it and it'll make us all sexist as a result. Well, you may have a point. Theists still try to argue the case that creationism is a legitimate theory and scientist won't even talk about it or debate it because it clearly isn't science and shouldn't be treated as such... and people still believe them. Hopefully someone was around to slap em with a mute or a boot out of the lobby. The 'harm' happens when you let little shitheads like that goad you and get you frustrated. Which is what they want... so in that respect, you're letting 'em win. In the great email box of life, you get a lot of spam. So when you see something stupid like that, it goes in the spam folder and the sender is put on the blocked list. If you think someone like that is actually persuading anyone to believe something like what he's suggesting, then there's a problem with you.
  12. They just look like them, Godot. They're not saying Tharja herself is actually in there, just similar character designs. It could be worse
  13. Obvious troll is obvious. And yet is somehow beneath my notice. Is it even worth it to acknowledge their existence sometimes? Clearly, you can't take this person seriously.
  14. magikarp totally pwning pikachu? Magikarp has redeemed itself in my eyes.
  15. *Epic Pose*

    1. Bearadactyl


      -Domineering Pose.-

  16. Anybody else find it weird that Marth's companions Caeda (aka Shiida) and Cain are two of the three in the SMT x FE game but the one we all expected to be Marth is Chrom?
  17. I'd say play Fire Emblem awakening for a really good intro to the series. It has a lot of elements to it which are kinder to the player than in previous games, making it more fun for people aren't interested in say... resetting everytime one character falls in battle because of permadeath. Not only is the storyline good, it will be the easiest to get your hands on (unless you're thinking emulators), and the one whose game mechanics is the newest and is going to be the most similar to this upcoming game. If you try it and don't like it... well, I won't know what to think of you... but you'll definitely know if Fates isn't for you.
  18. @ godot, since I know you like this character for some reason.
  19. Clearly, some people just want to watch the world burn.
  20. I don't think the stories would be essentially the same at all. Birthright is clearly sounds like restoring the Hoshido back to its own independence. Conquest sounds like the choices you are given is how to integrate the hoshido- harder or softer. The difference is who you start with under your command, and who you could possibly recruit from the other side, who might see reason in your chosen path. I really do wonder if you have the choice to be evil/emperor supreme and just take everything by force... but they also did hint somewhere about possibly changing the way the Nohr do things from within. The main character has lived in both worlds and even after taking a side, that fact stays with him. I'm really looking forward to this game. ----- I'm just glad I had the first dlc pack in FE:A cuz newly reclassed characters who needed to use E-rating weapons were a pain to use and skill up if I didn't spend the money to upgrade the power and stuff on those items. bbl; gonna watch that treehouse vid now.
  21. The cold never bothered me anyways.

    1. TRHStatement


      It's funny how some distance, makes everything seem small

    2. Maelstrom


      And life seems like such a fragile thing when you rip the spine out of a frozen foe's body...

    3. TRHStatement
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