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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. I'm just thinking how close you are to your current avatar.
  2. Methinks spiritual successor waifus for some people. And remembering the whole onsen thing.
  3. I thought you were talking about Noire, Tharja's daughter. Because that's how it was spelled and the new FE faction is Nohr. So yeah, I was thinking about all the support convo's between the younger generation in FEA
  4. I can only imagine my score if there was a dislike button.

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      You are blunt, sarcastic and often tend to kill the mood, but most of the things you say are clever. I personally like post based on how clever it is, not on whether or not I agree, so you could still count on me to at least mitigate the inevitable fall of your score :P

    2. Maelstrom


      Well it ain't all smiles and butterflies. History was forged by strong personalities. You can only defer decisions for so long before you come to your own conclusions.

    3. Rezilia


      Didn't people with strong personalities tend to fall flat on their face throughout history?

  5. they aren't. have you read the support convos for Lucina?
  6. if people cared more about good games instead of games with sonic's name in the title, there would be good sonic games. Alas....
  7. I hope the one you use is... clean.
  8. tfw boxing and doing relatively well.
  9. tfw the comment that sparked this was made just to poke at kyoyo for fun. But clearly you had experiences from others that made this necessary. asdfjlkl
  10. but those are the best waterslides
  11. considering the rest of this movie, this moment is gold. if you want more context, look up nostalgia critic wickerman on youtube.
  12. Playing puzzles and dragons, the mario half cuz wynaut. kinda fun.
  13. I vote the top one for Zeph. and wonder if this will fit Hilda's aesthetic
  14. Hetalia is an anime where each character is a country and it's kinda silly and cuteish. It might be up your alley. @ kuro
  15. Time to inflict some damage

    1. Shanco


      "Tons of Damage"

      - Phreak

  16. That's a thing that applies to everyone though. If one does not talk about personal issues often or at all, a person may be perceived as having their shit together. Whether that is actually indicative is case by case.
  17. Oh hi bibs. happy belated birthday. How did it go, btw? *steals some cake*
  18. Aqua is bae.

    1. Godot


      I take your Waifu and Raise you my own.

  19. Nintendo/Gamefreak have basically already said that they'll never really do a real pokemon console game. Just spinoffs. le sad.
  20. Let's not use melee as a standard. It was fun, but it was also broken as all hell. I would have preferred that Lucina, Marth, and Chrom all been alt skins for each other because Chrom and Lucina literally have the same fighting style, so really the differences would only be nuances in speed and power. And besides, while Chom would be stronger, I don't actually see him as an actual rival to Ike in pure strength. Isaac. It has to happen now. The fans have spoken. AND HE HAS SO MUCH POTENTIAL AS A FIGHTER. There are so many ways to approach him as a character. He could have a move like shulk- he sets different djinni, which would boost his speed and knockback (jupiter/wind), attack and burn damage (mars/fire), defense and super armor (venus/earth), healing/slows/water pushes (mercury/water). His specials and smashes could be based on weapon unleashes or various attacking/field psynergy. His final smash could be any number of awesome attacks- Odyssey psynergy, Megiddo (sol blade unleash), Judgement (summon), Grand Gaia psynergy, Titan Blade unleash... Isaac can be so much fun if they really explore all the possibilities.
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