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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. So I guess the Daredevil tv series is actually good.

    1. Simon


      It is indeed. Can't wait for Season 2.

  2. It's a very casual shooter, but it does it way better than team fortress.
  3. Just like chrom and lucina would be the same character cuz father-progeny? Come at me pocky and get rekt. Few characters will stand a chance.
  4. Lucas >>>>> Roy. Earthbound was great. But where's Ephraim and Hector? an all pokemon smash game would be cool too
  5. As long as he plays the same as he used to... I'll be happy. And... it'll be fun to take on Robin's with Lucas.
  6. I just wish we could actually customize out loadouts instead of hoping to get a better set with each level. Godot keeps using the very first set because he likes to use the bombs and the shield. Which I don't blame him for, I just find the the basic weapon itself to be lacking in range and power. I like using the blasters but the low fire rate is usually gets me killed. I think using the .52 gal deco with the seeker has gotten me the most kills and wins though. And I've had some great rounds with some of the snipers.
  7. For a large chunk of it, yes.
  8. You chucklehead.

  9. Then when do you guys do pt? We would get up at 5 to be there at 545 so we can wait aroun till 625 and then stand in formation for 5 minutes, salute the flag, then run/exercise till 745. Then we had to shower, change, eat and be back by 9.As for showers, I prefer to shower before bed because then your in bed and clean and not getting your sweat and grime with you in the sheets. I mean, how often do you launder your bedsheets?
  10. Whiskey in the jar-o.

  11. So hawt. 9.0 on the splatoon scale.

    1. Maelstrom


      10.0 now. Record breaker.

  12. And its name was Hawtlava.

  13. Almost time to hit the road.

  14. I am really mad at someone right now.
  15. Shia has become the drug dealer, but without the need for drugs. Poking around people's nervous system, stimulating them happy centers out of nowhere. Have you ever seen the tests they did where they plugged electrodes to the pleasure centers of a monkey's brain and then gave the monkeys the button to trigger it? It's not pretty. It's use would have to be... very selective.
  16. Gimme dat cosmic level telekinesis and telepaphy. I have worlds to change.
  17. oh shit, that comes out today doesn't it. and by today, i mean that cuz now it's past midnight. looks like I have a reason to get up early-ish and go to the store. Anyways, played a few games before the demo trial ended. It was fun. If what godot says is true and you can disable the motion controls for the aim and just use the right joystick (you know, like 3ps or FPS on any other console), it would be more fluid to play.
  18. Welcome! You're my millionth customer! ... Don't let it get to your head.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Godot


      No Refunds.

    3. Maelstrom


      Let's just get this out of the way - yes, most of my merchandise was ripped from the hands of dead adventurers.

    4. Godot


      I thought living snow children was a myth. Like happy people.

  19. I really don't go for brands. They tend to stick their name in huge letters or stick a really lame looking logo all over shit and I would feel like a fool walking around with a billboard sign on my chest. Yo A&F, I ain't gonna pay you to advertise your shit on this space. That's is ass backwards my friends. That being said, I guess I don't mind Champion and some of the others with smaller logos. Volcom isn't too bad either. As far as pants, I've gravitated towards 5.11 cuz really good pants with cargo pockets the way I like them and Faded Glory just cuz their fits just work better for me.
  20. Nature knows no indecencies; man invents them. I feel for Adam and Eve now, for I know how it was with them... The Garden of Eden I now know was an unendurable solitude. I know that the advent of the serpent was a welcome change- anything for society. Only he who has seen better days and lives to see better days again knows their full value. Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of a joy you must have somebody to divide it with. Nothing that grieves us can be called little: by the eternal laws of proportion a child's loss of a doll and a king's loss of a crown are events of the same size. In order to know a community, one must observe the style of its funerals and know what manner of men they bury with most ceremony. -------- Mark Twain--------- I found my notepad with a quote of his on every page.
  21. tfw the green mile is on tv and he just healed the warden's wife.
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