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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. dragons are overrated. Where's the dragonskull I drink my wine from? .... *slurp*
  2. Excuse you, but I have a reputation to maintain.

    1. Arkhi


      1207 is pretty good.

    2. Vinny


      inb4 Jericho

  3. You know the goal is to take the quotes and attribute them to somebody else to make it funny/ironic.
  4. In memory of he who soars.

  5. Pulling off the androgynous look like a pro. Very nice. I thought I had a better picture of me with my beard and glasses but...
  6. Saw some amazing glassware at a vendor's store in Disney World. Like I said, amazing stuff. But they wanted over $300 per glass. So I just took pictures. Btw, Godot is bad at shooting things with lasers. Watch out for camels. They spit. A bit o' the boardwalk area in Daytona I forgot to include this earlier about the pirate show.
  7. Objectification is a manifestation of selfishness. Thought is free. It's only a problem when it manifests itself in behavior that affects other people. By the logic posted above, when a guy masturbates to a girl he thinks is hot (or whoever), he's objectifying her because his thoughts about her are performed with or without her consent. So we're all going to hell. Cuz hey *smack on nose* that's always bad. Why are you branding me with that politically hot word? QQ does this put some of samekh's words into context? She becomes a thing I want but can't have so I fantasize about it. Is this the road to rape? Are video games objectifying people's lives so that we want to go out irl and kill people with headshots because it's fun? Clearly, it's not a road the common person takes. Even with this objectification as 'the stepping stone' to worse things, crossing that line is a very distinct thing that isn't accidental. It's a conscious effort to not care about the other so completely and do something that harmful to them like it doesn't matter. There are only so many sociopaths out there. Anyways, anti-rape is kind of preaching to the choir here. Rape is a legitimate threat to men and women. But the way rape and objectification is usually talked about and thrown around, it's like we're all brain dead and completely unethical- we can't and won't follow a simple rule unless we're bludgeoned to death with it. Reminds me of the way the army treats its soldiers. Ever heard of safety briefs before every weekend?
  8. With a name like that... do you even Kyogre, bruh?
  9. To be, or not to be, that is the question— Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune, Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles, And by opposing, end them? -Eeyore, Winnie the Pooh
  10. Blastoise Water/Steel Ability: Bastion- Def and SpD increase and Spd decreases by 1 stage each turn. Blastoise becomes the tank it was always intended to be, quite literally with that steel armor and canon it's got. But as usual, that bulk comes at the cost of speed. (it still has aquajet though, so that's a thing. Imagine it getting shell smash though...) Flash cannon becomes more effective and the steel resistances to dragon turns this into quite the handy fairy AND dragon slayer if you toss in ice beam. Fire types got all the really good/broken abilities anyways.
  11. Hello, Strider, and welcome. There are indeed a lot of us that do some Sm4shing around here. We might even have to organize and do something about it in the near future... But not right away, I'm still on vacation and this hotel's wifi doesn't agree with my 3ds.
  12. She could be Elesa's badass older sister. =P

    1. Sheep


      I was actually thinking they looked kind of similar.

  13. Valkyria Chronicles ME. Going the dark route is amusing
  14. What about me? Do I look like chopped liver to you, Thomas?
  15. skryim borderlands 2 destiny KH 1.5 and 2.5 HD remixes Mass Effect series MGS4 Tales of Symphonia + sequel bundle (not sure how much it is) Valkyria Chronicles xcom
  16. Former: lifeguard, swim instructor, fish monger, soda jerk, medical office assistant, security guard/loss prevention, analyst, armorer, airborne infantry soldier. Off-and-on swimmer, wrestler, soccer player, fencer. Reader and gamer, I'll be off to be a student again soon enough. And more.
  17. This ain't no place for no hero. This ain't no place for no better man. This ain't no place for no hero To call "home."
  18. No, I have a better one. What do you say to the god of death? Hi Grimm- billy and mandy
  19. Maelstrom


    Banned for billowing all that dust.
  20. Mewtwo works really well against DDD. His dash attack cuts through his lagless, nearly invulnerable rolls and dodges. and his up smash is one of the few things to punish his down air.
  21. The validity of your argument... where is it? *peers around* Maybe it's in here somewhere...
  22. All of you can go to hell. Or rather, I would tell you that except that those of us here already want nothing to do with you all. Take all your overused puns and go to heaven and compare notes those endlessly droning priests. And take the gummy slug with you.
  23. ^ Petey Piranha Now to complete my Mario bros themed team: White Gengar: Boo Monty Mole: Doryoulose Torterra: Koopa Troopa Torkoal: red koopa troopa Blastoise: Bowser Tentacruel/Malamar: Blooper
  24. Who the hell is this this troy guy from the topic title? I only know DD. Whose name makes me think of what my shadow would be like... Happy B-day, DD. Today is your excuse to do whatever the hell you feel like. Spend it well.
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