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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. All you land mammals are food. Enjoy your short, delicious lives. =3
  2. STOP. Hammer time.- Mario
  3. tfw I laughed my ass off at dobby's video. I'm drunk, but the idea remains the same: WTF?
  4. 'mmm, bacon.' -'fox.' mmm, fox. fox is delicious. and make for very nice coats. The fox rebellion shall not stand. You won't like me when I'm hungry.
  5. I was hungry, and then I found my meals in this thread. =3
  6. Who is shiri, besides that one person I added on LoL years ago and never played with since? Why now, of all times? Do you even lift? XB1 or ps4? Bacon or bacon?
  7. If you love dragon games, why don't you mention spyro?
  8. So... who are you and what brought you here?
  9. I am confuzzled as to why YOUR celebrations would be for US. In the past, the opinions of others has been the least of your concerns in regards to games, anime, and movies. Why would you venture to say that a 400 post celebration is for us? What do you have planned? Why do you mention it 40+ posts beforehand? As a fire-inclined person... how do you feel about your mono ice run? Will one piece ever end?
  10. It's a good thing I'm not angry. Time to put on a feel-good movie.

  11. I guess that leaves us free to ask about the shower, right? Is there a public figure or personality that you look up to?
  12. You do realize marriage as instituted under the law and as instituted by the church are two separate things? Non-theists aren't demanding that the church change its ways and be more accepting. If anything, contemporary church members are. Same sex marriage as a national mandate is a lie to scare up other conservatives to vote against marriage equality. Marriage equality is equality before the law. Equality before god is the church's problem and not one a discerning atheist cares to bother with. (*is suddenly reminded of Thadeus Stevens equality before the law statement*) The church and state are separate. Let's not let them make a fake monster by saying these laws will tell the church what to do. They don't. It tells the states that same sex marriages are legally valid. I would be right with you if someone somewhere was trying to make laws to tell the church what to do AND they were being taken seriously. Because no one would take them seriously. What's your favorite ice cream? What's your favorite ice cream to get at cold stone? Favorite pizza toppings? Favorite fruit? Favorite animated movie? (okay, that's probably tough so maybe top 5?) What would you do with $1000 if it came with the stipulation that you had to spend it all (not give it away) or you wouldn't get the money? Do you ever look back fondly at your short marriage to Godot? If you could play Cards Against Humanity with any 5 people (from history or anywhere), who would they be?
  13. How can I get this this helmet?
  14. You won't like me when I'm angry.

    1. Kurotsune


      Hey, find me a better avatar and I'll use it, no need to get mad!

  15. I'm listening to the high pitched squealing of a dying goomy. :feelsgd: oh, and this too.
  16. I recently got the handsome collection. Meaning I can play the game and do it... and stream it and/or save it as a clip and upload it. which I intend to do at some point.
  17. which european countries was it that say hi by kissing each cheek? seems excessive but hey, not my culture. What do they say about us western cultures? More loud and open, yet harder to get to know? Something like that. Japanese was my minor in college and I learned something of their reserve. In and out groups and all that. A whole lot of unwritten expectations and things that are way different from what Americans are used to. If you know some japanese and watch movies (less so with anime) with subtitles, you can actually see how understated a lot of things are or inferred that are stated directly in the subs. Personally, I'm rather quiet in real life. I'm not one for small talk or pleasantries. So I understand.
  18. OML, look who grew up. Makes me wonder where you two have been all this time...
  19. Everybody beside you. =/ That's like saying who doesn't want to play as jabba the hut.
  20. I'm pretty sure most of the characters seen in the video are new characters. Just with FE style. It's no wonder there are a lot of similarities. There was that one guy with the orb of light in his hand, which he used to attack with later. It just reminded me of Yu when he has a persona card in his hand. If we're lucky, we'll get cameos based on FE characters. Or the armor that the protagonists wear is kind of like a persona themselves, incurring a character to give them their look/armor, some skills and attacks.
  21. The army isn't that tough, tbh. Basic training will probably be the most fun you'll have in the army. The excitement is all downhill from there. You could always go national guard. Try it out a bit before going full active duty. You work 2 days a month plus another 2 weeks out of the year, with full health and dental benefits. You get the GI Bill, which you can use in conjunction with Tuition Assistance to get paid to go to school full time while doing your national guard on the weekends. You could go Reserve, which is similar, but you can't double dip with GI bill and Tuition Assistance that way. National Guard can still deploy, but only with the state's approval and nowadays most deployments are for experienced leadership in guidance roles only anyways. Be warned. Most people don't know that when you sign up for any armed forces contract (at least army, maybe not the others) the contract is really for 8 years. You might have the basic contract for 3 years active duty or guard/reserve, but you can still be called to duty for another 5 years after that. Again, that's mostly for specific job's and experience than for the average person. Those next 5 years, you show up once a year at an installation nearest you for a day and then it's done and over with. As far as your degree, an associates isn't much to speak of (especially for certain areas and professions) and I think you need a 4 year degree to go in as an officer but you can do ROTC and stuff to go to school while fulfilling time for your contract. Just don't be an officer that takes themselves too seriously. I'm older than most of the officers I see on a daily basis and I have a stronger degree and more time in the army to boot.
  22. It happens. Shit happens. Sith happens. Differences happen.
  23. Yeah, if you want to join the armed forces, go in this order: Air Force, Navy, Marines/Army. And just don't go infantry if you have to go army or marines. The infantry equivalent in the air force and navy are kind of a joke, and really, who joins either of those to be infantry? If you know computers, you can join to be a commo guy and do a lot of what you already know. A lot of commo guys deal with radios and communication equipment, but just as many deal with computers and programs and all that. And everybody gets treated better than infantry for some reason. Just don't do it. And special forces is an infantry recruitment trap, so don't go for that. Seriously, go airforce. It's chill and has way more funds and just treats everybody well. It's the green grass on the other side. Truly. Promotion systems are *shrug* if you have a degree, go officer, they get much much better pay, and don't have to do any of the heavy lifting or the menial work. It's just better in every way. Don't look back. I have a degree and regret going enlisted. It's stupid. so yeah, that's from a guy who has 7 years army under his belt and deployed and done a lot of jobs within the army despite my specific MOS.
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