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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. It's not messy... it's an immunization boosting environment, okay. =P
  2. That wall of text is too serious for me right now. Back to my regularly scheduled book.

    1. Arkhi


      Books are filled with text walls though?

    2. Pixl


      Don't succumb to the inclination to sit back. Climb that wall! Conquer it! NO WALL CAN IMPEDE YOUR PATH TO VICTORY! YOU. WILL. PREVAIL!!!!!

    3. Maelstrom


      Sure, but it's enjoyable, not srs bsns.

  3. That leroy jenkins moment when you charge a whole team of 5 players huddled in a titan's bubble and you Storm fist into it and kill them all.
  4. Nothing like a really nice walk and a large cup of Code Red to perk you up.

  5. Last night I played beer pong. Went 3-1 Then buzzed Brawl and Sm4sh. With top 2 places taking a shot as a handicap. They couldn't budge me from #1 though. =3 but my stomach today, tho
  6. Give me your gjallarhorn, Murdoc. Gimme. You can have my hunger of Crota. The one good thing for me was that little bit of run through was just enough to get me the materials I needed to upgrade my armor and hit lvl 32.
  7. Maelstrom


    but that's not how you spell purple. Or parcel.
  8. Tfw you put a shirt in the dryer for 15 minutes to get the wrinkles out. And you put it on as soon as you take it out of the machine.
  9. Where's the vote for 'kill 'em all with napalm'?
  10. It's ok, let me carry you too, sharkfrog. >>

  11. Bit your quiching. It was never about you or for you. It's solely for me.

  12. As if the actual amount of space changed by the scroll wasn't negligible. =/
  13. Yeah, that would be nice. I want my mewtwo back, but better than ever.
  14. kid icarus is fun but the controls are terrible and were pretty unresponsive for such high paced action. At least on my old, aging 3ds. And a lot of the weapons are imbalanced so that while they might be great for killing things most of the stage, they will leave you pretty much helpless against the boss or some other enemy. try the demo for STEAM. It's basically valkyria chronicles, but for 3ds and with historical characters.
  15. It's not like I have any artistic ability myself, but I have my appreciation for things. Just not so much for what many of those avatars depict. It's like you wallow in the pain and blood and helplessness.
  16. Excuse you, but I think you missed the aesthetics thread. =P
  17. So is streetpass. Small island nation, lots of people crammed together. It works there. Not so much here in the US. Nintendo is quite the example of ... well, something I learned in 300 level Japanese culture classes. Their view is narrow AF.
  18. You are channeling James Yakumo so hard right now. *gets suspicious*
  19. I don't care that much about the hardware, it's all about the gameplay itself. That just adds to the price tag and metric shittons of time to the development process. WHICH IS THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF CASUAL/MOBILE GAMING. You know, those things that are super easy and super quick to make. It isn't bridging the gap by making a mobile system's costs surpass old console prices. That would be like making a serious system, asking for a serious commitment on the promise of more high quality games to come. Only more hardcore gamers who have an eye on what's coming up would buy into that. Did I mention that that is the opposite of bridging the markets? You can't make stupendously amazing hardware that plays games little more complicated than candy crush. That would be illogical (RIP Nimoy). Seriously, don't get your hopes up.
  20. Holy shit. Amanda Waller in S2 of Arrow. If you've seen JL, you know who she is.

    1. The Radiant Aeon

      The Radiant Aeon

      If you were familiar to any sort of DC lore, you'd be familiar to Amanda Waller before Arrow.

  21. No, it's more like a cellphone and a DS smooshed together, and they're hoping it'll be a gateway platform for people to move from casual to console gaming. That's what they're aiming for. I don't think it'll work.
  22. [insert grand epiphany here]

    1. Felicity


      Love is blind

    2. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      That was not the search bar.

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