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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Scarfs are comfy and easy to wear?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Commander


      They really are

    3. Arkhi


      Hells yes!

    4. Arkhi


      Although the proper term would be scarves, but whatever.

  2. Dare to compare Warlock Titan
  3. I don't get what you're saying. There's a report button under each individual post. How does one NOT know which post they are reporting?
  4. Not a boom. Just an intentional reset. Carry on.

  5. Et tu, Brute?- Master Chief
  6. Dear Sarge, Kicking ass in outer space. Wish you were here.

  7. Finally got 10 kills without dying in Iron Banner. Shoulder charge titan + Plan C ftw!

    1. Ikaru


      ... plan C?

  8. Does the Nightfall boost apply to Iron Banner too?
  9. Yeah, no foxes for me while that's still going on.

  10. I'm not nearly as optimistic about this as you. Nintendo catered to the casual player before. Now they're moving to cell phone games? It's just continuing a downhill trend of very casual stuff. The main bright side I see to this is that they might port games like pokemon to phones, but then, what need will we really have for a real handheld system like the 3ds? I'm glad Nintendo is starting to realize how badly they suck at online gaming. At least they're getting outside help this time. Mobile and handheld? If anything, they'll look at the vita as an example of failure. Good system with few games, they'll probably tone down the hardware in favor of just above what they need to play flappy bird and tower defender games. It will absolutely be nowhere near as powerful as the vita. I don't like where this is going at all.
  11. I just realized that I accidentally joined the foxening.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Wow... I only noticed now too lol.

  12. This is why Nook needs you to pay your mortgage off.

    1. Pixl


      Sorry, I'd rather spend my money on a crown that I'll never actually wear.

  13. I need someone to run the Nightfall mission with one last time before the weekly reset.

  14. Let's do the Time Warp again~ Celebi Horror Picture Show
  15. Hilda/Kuro/Zeph/FFA Nick Jericho Ame Azery Owen/Silver @Random
  16. That's the only point he's willing to admit to falling short in.
  17. bruh, do you even clan? https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/159681
  18. Dude, why are you me right now? Too bad you have it for xb1.
  19. Destiny. All-burn on is really nice, actually. Cuts through all that epic level enemy shielding.
  20. Godot is right. RNGeezus is on my side. Did nightfall with two of my characters and got an exotic both times. Got a warlock chest piece I already had (yay, exotic shards) and my second Dragon's Breath. Finally got down to working on my hunter. So close, yet so far away from maxing out either of my subclasses for it. I'm running out of vault and inventory space. I should probably get rid of all the rare weapons I have (even though they actually matchup pretty well against legendaries everywhere except PvE and Iron Banner). That handloaded, glass half full Galahad E though.
  21. Beats by Dr. Mario

  22. Easily one of my all-time favorites
  23. Hector/Ephraim/Lyn trio pls. I honestly can't see them actually doing more dlc for smash. It just doesn't seem their style.
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