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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. How long do you think goomy would last if I sprinkled it with salt? Huehue.
  2. Be vewy, vewy quiet. I'm hunting avatars...

    1. Gentleman's Hat

      Gentleman's Hat

      Don't you mean: avataws?

  3. Indeed I did. And so did Mario
  4. Oh look, I managed to finally find one for "hukuna house"
  5. A trip down memory lane- aka, looking at your reputable posts.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maelstrom


      It's more that my history here stretches out so long that the vast majority of 'em are way in the past.

    3. Azeria


      I want to say the usual 'YOU'RE OLD!' joke but it's been overused by this point XD

    4. Felicity


      I did the same thing. Mine make up 13 whole pages and a few made me giggle more than I should.

  6. Sometimes it seems unfair that events so old can reach forward through the years, sinking claws into one's life and twisting all that follows. Yet perhaps that is the ultimate justice: we are the sum of all we have done added to the sum of all that has been done to us. There is no escaping that, not for any of us.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      lp you, rather than hinder you or use them to lash out at others. We are also the sum of the things we never did, the things we never had the courage to say or do or good or ill. People say Life is a game that we all play, but can never win. I hate that. Life is no game. That implies there are rules and boundaries things to do to win, ways you can better than others at it. Life isn't like that at all. It is much, much more than a game, and than it is also... much less at the same time.

    3. Arkhi


      "Sometimes, my memories sneak up on me and steal my breath away."

    4. Maelstrom


      Dear Hukuna, this is a quote from one of my favorite book series. I encourage you to read them, if you feel as you seem to. Lives have consequences. How large they are determine how much a person is bound by them...

  7. wisible is not an actual word. try again.
  8. The thing about waterbending that bothers me is how nobody talks about how limited it is, in certain ways. For the most part, they carry a source of water with them to use as the need arises. Every other bender has what they need already around them regardless of where they go. Unless they're by a body of water, you always see them use what they have from waterskins at their belts.
  9. I'm picky... and switching avatars has become my thing, after years of just a few avatars that I used because they fit me the best. Now it's more a question of how much I like the art, really.
  10. Then I think you'll like this one as well. and maybe this one Milotic is elegant, if not exactly milotic... @ Mikzal- it's anime-ish @hilda @Jericho- have this random while I keep on looking for something I think is more fitting and another random to through out there for people.
  11. really? Well, whatever you do, don't look up ducks, in that respect. It's cray.
  12. FES pros: the after-game story mode that explains the ending to the main game. has animated sequences they cut out of p3p P3P pros: can play as female protagonist with her own unique social link stuff they smoothed out some features in the game so things like traveling around are less annoying for psp/vita, instead of ancient ps2. which also makes it conveniently portable.
  13. I kinda of wanna play lost kingdoms again.

    1. Arkhi


      The soundtrack alone makes me want to play it.

    2. Maelstrom


      It's worth it, Ark. I wanna say it was a year or two ago where I replayed both games on emulator cuz my gamecube and both games are in another state. I would totally buy it all over again for virtual console though.

  14. I have to second custom robos. It was a great game and the ds sequel wasn't bad. Strike vanishers with flamethrower/stun gun OP.
  15. Mario games past yoshi's island Mario Kart games after double dash, especially 8 Kirby games. ALL the Tales of games Most of the LoZ games SSBM Monster Hunter games
  16. Eventually. Truth be told, I would go visit Japan first. And that might be in the works too. We will have to hang out, Erick. You probably know the east side better than me now. especially since I rarely ventured out so far from my cozy nest on the west side to town When do you move?
  17. Just looking at the mileage alone, I really might just cancel the whole leg going up north. I mean, look at the stats on it with just this. Compared to Tennessee places, Daytona Beach looks like an easy work in, and maybe a place to spend more time at in compensation for not going north. Speaking of North, my car doesn't handle the snow well, even with studded tires on. It's just too light, and bringing the studded tires for my front wheels will take up a LOT of space in my trunk that I will almost certainly need to fill with provisions and other things to cut down on costs as I travel.
  18. Oh look, these are my feelings towards pokemon.
  19. My constraints are primarily to the east coast. I have to drive from North Carolina and eventually find my way back down to the most western tip of Texas. And skipping the trip north to NY is looking more attractive each day, to be honest. The quickest and most direct route from here to home is straight down to Florida, then straight west through all those southern states. New Orleans might be in the cards. So yeah, Colorado is certainly in the cards for the future, but not as of this trip. Traveling across the north with this weather... and what seems to be far fewer major tourist attractions along the way... Not gonna happen. I've traveled with my family north from TX to CO before, but you gotta remember that this will be in addition to the straight road trip route that is already over 1,800 miles if I just go straight from here to my home in TX. I will most likely be tired of driving by then. Honestly, the 250 mile, 4 hr trip from there to my college in NM was taxing enough. As far as food, I'm looking for more local, site specific stuff. There are Golden Corrals everywhere and they're not exactly cheap, since I lump it in with fast food chains as far as average quality goes (mmm, gotta love that bread). I don't mind spending more for high class restaurants and stuff, as long as they're worth it. I know I'll be stopping by some famous BBQ as much as I can when I get around the east Texas area. (there is that one that has superlong lines that start hours before open and is first come first serve until they run out, so I'm not holding my breath.) Hopefully, I'll be starting out as early as the 27th of this month. Hell, looking at a route from here to at least Orlando and then going west through New Orleans and straight home is 2,300 miles
  20. It certainly is now, but there aren't many other fps's people really play. There's a small handful that people keep playing, so you have to consider that when you want to talk about CoD.
  21. I've seen them around. The art looked great but the games themselves didn't seem spectacular or deep in any way.
  22. Can't say I have a single favorite, but a lot of songs/music I love. I think I'll pace myself and post maybe just a couple per day. To start... have some Metal Gear
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