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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Master Hand, the early years.
  2. Professional school seems to be the European term for vocational school. Which isn't a bad thing. Especially since the push for higher education oh so many years ago have lead to a great increase in people qualified for a lot of education intensive jobs... while leaving a huge gap to be filled by vocational studies graduates. Which is why a lot of them pay so well. JS. Keep your chin up. Still lots of options and opportunities to be had.
  3. Tfw I have to actually thank FB for something. I figured it was my duty to go to FB today to go through the motions of thanking people who noticed it was my birthday. And it kind of astounded me who did and it reminded me of some of the great people I met along this ill-fated path that I call an army career and great old friends from college and before. The memories it kicked back up really turned the day around for me. It also made me realize how much I had closed myself off from parts and people of my past by focusing so much on the present. This galvanizes me so much more than any new year to make some changes. I already knew a major change was coming my way a couple months from now. But now, I'm ready for the freedom to lead a real life and reconnect those who've already been a part of it.
  4. I think this book is going to turn it all around.

  5. You had to know I wouldn't abide by the name change to Mealstorm.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Neo



    3. Maelstrom


      Malestorm does not displease me.

    4. laggless01


      Malestorm...makes me think about something...

  6. I regret Nothing!

  7. You forced my hand, whoever you are.

    1. Maelstrom


      Whoever you are being Murdoc. >>

  8. Found another suggestion for Jelly.
  9. We should take a moment to recognize that MTG has commissioned some of the greatest art around.
  10. Songs that Dobby and I have collected in some playlists. https://plug.dj/reborn-radio
  11. "In life, they were a motley crew: farmers, lords, cutpurses, priests. In death, they are united in singular, benevolent purpose."- Intangible Virtue, mtg

  12. LoZ, Fire Emblem style- Link would be a unique hero unit, able to wield bows and swords. Plenty of magicians/sorcerers to go around. And even a dancer or two. Also, I just noticed how similar Isaac is to Cloud. I now want to see Isaac in Cloud's SOLDIER gear and the big buster blade.
  13. Silly Edge, just because you didn't land in the AMA bandwagon doesn't mean you still didn't land in one. but you already knew that, scoundrel
  14. Did tinkerbell mix in some testosterone with that there pixie dust? You need to remember this more, as do certain people around here who aren't even 18 yet. People were chosen for certain positions because they made good decisions and made a noticeable effort. Please be a little more confident in yourself. You're less likely to be stepping on anybody's toes as much as supplementing whatever else they may have done. Even if you made a mistake, remember that it's reversible.
  15. Haven't seen it, couldn't say. The commercials I've seen are vague as hell so w/e.
  16. nvm, I forget that ee is an extended lower case e, not a long E as it english (like teeth).
  17. On a semi-related note that I wanted to share: Today is Gregor's birthday.
  18. Yeah, we don't have a word or phrase for when it rains, then freezes over and turns the whole area into a skating rink. And we did have someone get a serious TBI (traumatic brain injury) from it last winter.
  19. I've got no strings on me. - No soldier ever.

    1. laggless01


      Do you wanna build a snowman? - no soldier ever

    2. Maelstrom


      ^ No, but freedom angels are a thing. http://i.imgur.com/E8pnJLZ.jpg

    3. laggless01


      XD Well, they could've done worse with all those bullets...

  20. I might just start a new account. I'm approaching lvl 30 and I don think I've gotten any better.
  21. Fell off the edge and onto the bandwagon did we?
  22. Not the time or place, really.

  23. Since I can't count on certain people for raids, I'm off to the striek playlists.

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