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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. I haven't played it in quite a while. What are the new, dlc classes like?
  2. Yo, you up for some Battleborn with me an' Hycrox in about an hour and a half?

    Also, have you done more of the story missions?

  3. Is it just my laptop or is the discord dead?

    1. Maelstrom


      Ah, just a temporary issue on my end. False alarm.

    2. Paul25


      According to me, It's really dead :o 

    3. Hycrox


      @Paul25 no that's showdown

  4. I've always disliked 'jokes' and jokers who are always ragging on people. It's never a cool way to try and be humorous. Some 'bros' do that with each other (it's pretty rampant among army grunts, tbh), but I've never found it appealing. I'm one of those people who can brush it off but it's rarely something I ever reciprocate. Except for Ikaru. the whole squid thing is just outlandish and you can't take any of that seriously. I'd suggest looking at your humor and find an alternative source of levity for your conversations.
  5. 13 and 17. Why? Cuz 13 is just me being edgy and counter-current/superstition. 17 cuz of a jersey number I had back when I played soccer.
  6. Very nice. Simple yet pleasantly stylistic. Can I request a Robin from Fire Emblem?
  7. I miss being able to browse status updates that get bumped off the most recent list.

    1. FairFamily


      You can read them from the unread content option in the activity tab and then change a bit with the parameters at the top.

    2. HongaarseBeer


      That's a great tip! Thank you

  8. This had me laughing so hard.


  9. Happy Birthday Savannah meat. may your scarves always be dry and your headphones unbroken.
  10. How to watch My Hero Academia: skip ahead to season 2, but watch the the special recap episode in between the two seasons. Profit- look at all the time you just saved yourself.

  11. Well, Nintendo released villager amiibo cards so they're likely to sell more of those and those will continue to be the way you can specifically invite someone to live in your town. And I think there were signs in various areas that said random stuff but were basically place makers where houses would go if animals moved in. But yeah, a house showing up in the middle of one of my flower fields really ticked me off. Some of these extra tasks mentioned seem pretty boring or like a huge chore, but to each their own. As long as it's an option rather than part of the mandatory tutorial they always put in. How about some connectivity to New Leaf, perhaps similar to the way you could connect your 3ds smash to the wiiu when playing the console version? Or at least be able to send bells and items to yourself so you don't start off from absolute scratch and perhaps use the switch version like an extension of your town where you have another mansion to design and decorate the way you wish. Idk about unfriendly relationships, but maybe there could be more prank items? Like a false furniture leaf that is actually a letter you can hide in your friends' trees that can say something like "[Your name] was here!" Make pitfalls invisible to everyone except the player who buried it. If you want more villagers in less space, maybe at some point there could be a way to build or trigger the building of an apartment or condo complex in the town proper? Miniaturizing complete dinosaur skeletons and turning music duplicates into a music was something that I really liked. Really wish you could have had them painted with ore to make them shiny gold, silver, emerald, ruby, and sapphire colors. some more town miniatures would be cool, so then I could recreate Jurassic park in one of my rooms. Oh, and perhaps get miniatures of villagers when you befriend them and not just pictures to put up on the walls. I kinda wish I could turn some of the bigger/cooler fish I caught into wall-mounted trophies. But yeah, PWPs were stupid expensive and I would love a specific slot for tools.
  12. You know, Kuvira wasn't entirely wrong...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maelstrom


      The average villain is usually comically evil.

    3. seki108


      True, but I was more meaning along the lines of major villains, though that still varies by series (and writing quality).

    4. Hect


      I honestly don't know what to think of her.

  13. My least favorite thing about Texas is actually the mosquitoes. Kill count is 6 and rising steadily since I got home but I don't think I'll end up breaking even with bite count before I go back to NM.

    1. DemICE


      I figured that they hate  Hypericum oil. After putting some on exposed areas they were barely touching me. The issue would be where to find one tho.

    2. Alphagar


      Lemongrass oil works wonders.

    3. Zargerth


      There are quite a lot of those here as well. Less so in the cities, but still.

  14. That Elaine dance is in Destiny as an emote.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Shit, they even got Carlton up in there

    3. Maelstrom


      The Carlton is my favorite. And actually, this must be an older vid cuz it doesn't have the Thriller dance and some others.

    4. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Damn, I might rewatch some Fresh Prince of Bel Air now

  15. other option: dump out the tea, pour yourself some milk, and then eat your cake with sips of milk
  16. I'm sure overwatch could be streamed and battle records could be saved on system and uploaded for smash... but all those drinking games/games you usually play when you're drinking look fun. I'm sure I'm gonna be out of town for this but I suppose I could work something out with my laptop and whatnot.
  17. Never thought I'd say this but... I need memes. Not for myself, but to help out with social media posts for an anime convention. Preferably anime/videogame related.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. seki108


      Stretching the definition of meme, but two of these have their own entries, while the other is a derivative of 'delet this' meme and the other is referencing another meme.










    3. seki108


      Three more for the road:








    4. Alextron
  18. goddamn, those were spicy wings.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alphagar


      From where? :o

    3. Anime


      i eat a lot of Spicy wings, is that good?

    4. Maelstrom


      From where? A newish pub that was close to where Godot works.

  19. Hello, Ikaru's good twin Inuki (because we both know Ikaru is the evil twin). Long time no see, and long time no talk. One could say you might have been avoiding reborn for reasons over the years, but you were never far from Ikaru's thoughts as a brother. Have a great birthday.
  20. Ame has a secret lover: Ametryst

  21. Happy Birthday, CG. Keep on having fun and moving on forward.
  22. I might have been drinking too much but Beatriz at Dinner and Flatliners both look interesting to me. Especially the former.

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