Casino Night Zone- Sonic the Hedgehog 2
The Best is Yet to Come- MGS series
Mystic Cave Zone- Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Can Still See the Light- PSO Ep I&II
A Ghost's Pumpkin Soup- SAB2
Bramble Blast- DKC2 (AKA Stickerbush Symphony)
Bramble Blast- Brawl Remix
Taisetsu Na Mono- Phantasy Star Zero ending
The Almighty- P4A
Blues in Velvet Room- P4A
Kimi No Kioku- P3
Burn My Dread- P3
Shadow World- P4G opening
Melodies of Life- FF, idr which one
K.K. Ballad- Animal Crossing
K.K. Condor- Animal Crossing
Sorrow- Folklore
Alone- Golden Sun
Walking Forward with Determination- Golden Sun
Battle [Linked]- Golden Sun
Battle [Jenna]- Golden Sun
A Little Friendship- Golden Sun
Simple and Clean [Planet B Remix]- Utada Hikaru/ KH
Battle [isaac]- Golden Sun
Prologue- Golden Sun
Alhafra- Golden Sun
Mikasalla- Golden Sun
The Golden Sun Rises- Golden Sun
Indelible Sin (Raw Breath Track)- FMA (apparently it appeared in some FMA game, and it's way better than the original version, trust me)
Terra's Theme- FF6
Hero- Papaya, DDR 2nd Mix
Maiya Theme- P3FES OST
Living With Determination- P3, original and Iwatodai Arrange
Memories of the City- P3
The Battle for Everyone's Souls- P3
Burn My Dread (Last Battle)- P3
Because I Will Protect You- P3
Bust a Groove- Bust a Groove
Gerudo Valley- SSBB, LoZ
Smashing Song of Praise/Unfounded Revenge- SSBB, Mother 3
Love Theme from MGS4
Scrap Brain Zone- Sonic the Hedgehog
Live and Learn- SAB2
His World- SAB2
Stage Builder- SSBB
Final Battle- SSBB (AKA Taboo's Theme)
8 Melodies- Earthbound/Mother 2
Bagan- Super Godzilla
Starry Moonlit Night- FF Crystal Chronicles
Dearly Beloved- KH
A Brief Respite- FF Dissidia
Sad Princess- KH Birth By Sleep
All the original Tetris themes/music options
Land of the Gods- Folklore
Nephilim- Abindon Boys School, Folklore
Night of Fate- KH
Treasured Memories- KH
Riku- KH2
Roxas- KH2
Jenovah- FF7
Judgement Day- FF7
Fight With Seymour- FFX
The Man with the Machine Gun- FF8
Zanarkand- FFX
The Darkness of Eternity- FF9
Theme of Love- FF4
Revival (DJ Skee & THX Remix)- Halo 4
Theme of Love- Mother 3
Snowman- Mother 3
Serah's theme- FF13
Now I Know- P4A
Nijiiro- DDR Supernova
We All Become- Transistor
The Skies Above- FFX
Waiting for You- Silent Hill 4
Room of Angel- Silent Hill 4
Your Rain- Silent Hill 4
Insignificantia (All Sloppy/No Joe)- Halo Wars
Spirit of Fire- Halo Wars
Suteki Da Ne- FFX
Behind the Door- FF9
Waltz For the Moon- FF8
Aerith's Theme- FF7
Elia, the Maiden of Water- FF3
The Rebel Army- FF3
Something to Protect- FF9
Verdanturf Town- Pokemon R/S
Answers- FF14
Gold Saucer- FF7
Cosmo Canyon- FF7
The Extreme- FF8
Behind the Door- FF9
Opening Theme FF11