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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. So... it plays like a souls game?
  2. Happy birthday, person I've seen around here a couple of times. Now pardon me while I look at a map to figure out where Tunisia is...
  3. Anyone here play Overwatch on Ps4?

  4. Since Destiny 2 is coming out on PC, who is interested in a reborn clan?

  5. I found it through Pinterest and it doesn't give a source for it, though oftentimes it does.
  6. A nowi would need some major SI, iirc. I prefer to use F Corrin over Nowi, but my favorite blue, anti-red units are Linde and Azura. Azura is just nice as both dancer and sapphire lance+ wielder. Kagero also helps tear down red swordsman from a distance, and has no fear of mages unless they're mounted and have advantage against colorless. Although sometimes she needs a little help from a dancer to make tankier infantry extra dead. Don't was sp on her natural triggered ability, go for something like moonbow, which will help her take out mounted units very reliable with a dancer. I suppose other than that, the things that give her trouble are ranged counter attackers with high def. In a similar vein, do you have a Jaffar?
  7. I knew I recognized you... @Lone Wanderer Jordan Your ninja skills need work, but the first step is indeed getting up there. Staying undetected is your next highest priority.
  8. Even at -hp, she's still gonna be a tank rather than a glass cannon. Mine in particular is +hp, so that's a nice 6 hp more than yours, but -def, which puts her at 29 for both Def and Res, and I tend to use her to bait in everything and anything. Except blue mages like Linde (but that's what Kagero is for). She's really good at blunting physical attackers with her face and then counterattacking where they're usually pretty weak, their Res (especially armored units that aren't blue). She's a really strong candidate for Vantage, Quick Reposte, or Renewal.
  9. Yeah but, SI for units that start out at 5* is ass. I want the SP boost to come back soon... and often.
  10. @Combat Yo, has anyone noticed how awesome Bridal Lyn is? Her B skill prevents people from counterattacking her whenever she attacks. Her weapon skill seals that unit from being able to counterattack for the rest of the turn. Meaning you can attack that unit with anyone else and not worry about getting smacked in return. She is a glass cannon's best friend. Tag, you're it. No tag backs. It might need to testing just to be sure, but this hard counters anyone who can counter at any range, quick reposters, and vantage abusers. Ryoma, Ike, Takumi, Hector armads, Subaki, skill inheritors... She is so meta, it's amazing. For ex, Even with their advantages, Kagero and Cecilia would still take a good chuck of damage from a Takumi counterattack due to their low defense, even if they end up ORKO'ing him. Or tiki will be able to better take on Falchion users. Her attack IS abysmal, but you could augment with Darting or Death Blow, and it's easy to see why Seal spd (or atk/def) would work really well on her so that the follow up attacker is ensured the KO. Oh, I just read that staff wielders can't learn the seal skills. Or the Blows. Sad. Hone stills will have to do, seeing as your follow up unit will likely be attacking from the front, since she's super squishy. Think about maybe using a unit with obstruct so cavs can't get at her. Even if the enemy survives and smacks your meatshield upside the head, she's got rehabilitate.
  11. that being said, a dude in a book written by another dude is proof... that someone wrote a book. I'm curious as to where you define your limitations of disbelief. I mean, you look at these sorts of things and the bible and say.... yeah, nothing in the bible is questionable because nothing should be questioned because if one thing is obviously and demonstrably wrong, then everything becomes questionable and becomes fallible. One common example. I know you're not really your own person. A selective interpretation of the book colors your entire outlook on life, and a certain 'news' channel colors your outlook on 'facts'. While you can say that nowadays, the actions of the current church are improved over the old church... I maintain that their true goal is one of control, which includes a rigid exclusion of outside ideas. It isn't that I think you intend for your ideas to be bad... you just haven't thought it through and understood WHY they are bad, because that involves scrutinizing the organizations you believe in and actually following thoughts to their conclusion. I can't begin to explain to you how much of the conservative agenda is to block other groups from doing what they themselves do. Indoctrination at early ages, irrational refutation of outside ideas, and methods and strategies used to make sure you look at things the way they want you to, and no other way. When they complain of a 'war against christmas' and other issues, they complain of sociological and mental tactics that the church has notoriously used in the past to spread its reach, influence and power. When you look at the church and their complaints, and what comes to mind first, is the way they are able to recognize their own historical techniques. Holy wars, censorship, selective information, campaigns to change the perspective of the general public towards certain issues and ideas. The church is a pro at manipulating people and opinions, and it's no surprise when they project their own goals and ideas onto people who disagree. Quite frankly, the American church and republican party are corrupt. And it's been painfully obvious for a long time now. The vast majority of Republicans still support Trump... or refuse to act against him because doing so would end the political clout they hold as majority party... they would rather wield political power to their own ends than honestly condemn someone unfit for office by their own standards. I enjoy this whole video, but you should probably just skip to 6:47 for the relevant bits. I kinda googled up something, and I want to ask you to look into your bible and confirm or deny whether this is in there or not. I'm genuinely curious and somewhat skeptical, but if this is there... I'll have to ask to look back again to your answer to Eviora's question.
  12. The Arkhidon is a rare, nearly extinct species of mammal, despite its name sounding more like an ancient reptile. In truth, its closest extant relatives are the graceful gazelles that stride across the plains of Africa.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Don of the Archives, master librarian? Light on his feet and a master of the Dewey Decimal arts? Wears a scarf to muffle the sound of his movements through the perpetual quiet that he breaks up for himself with his headphones so as not to disturb the patrons. Original Character, do not steal.

    3. Arkhi


      Please take my money, you'll find great use for it.

  13. You know, I didn't appreciate the first episode of the 3rd season of Legend of Korra the way I do now... and it is fantastic!

  14. Sometimes, it's simply the things a person doesn't do that differentiates themselves from others who rightfully earn blame but share a commonality with other people who do not. And that's harder to notice, for some reason. Look at the Westboro Baptist bastards. Why don't YOU do something to differentiate other catholics and christians from THEM. For all the 1.3 billion muslims in the world... unheard are the violent acts the vast majority of those people choose do not do, or even had a thought to do at all. It's not so clear cut and easy. Or else you might as well give up and say christianity and conservativsm is a front for misinformation and superstition as a means of mass control of uneducated people in order to mold more people to share the same perceptions and ideas... which is indeed the typical demographic of republicans. You know, the people who would be most negatively impacted by the proposed budget cuts, etc, etc. But I digress. Quite frankly, it bothers me that you speak like every other muslim out there knows somebody shady, who might be a current or future terrorist. That's not the reality. While we're at it, you're in Texas right? Let's lynch up the shady folks in your area. Prove to me you're different, brother. Oh, let's knock out white supremacists while we're at it. Surely, a few of those live on your block, mate. Should I make more insulting presuppositions or should I let you make some more first? Be afraid? Man, do you know how easy it would be to commit an extremely effective act of terrorism with just a few people and do it just about anywhere? Should you be concerned about it? Yes. Fearing it doesn't help. It doesn't help you or anyone when you're too afraid to step out into the world and do your job, or simply exist. I get that you're trying to get people to become active and aware, but there's only so much you can do without joining the military or a government agency. The desire to stop and end terrorism is one thing. Simply being afraid is counterproductive. Maybe there is something to your argument, though. Let's cancel everything we enjoy doing focus on the threat at hand. Pool our efforts away from entertainment, luxury, profiteering... and do something about the real world we live in. Not the stories on tv or in our games. But what can we all contribute or give up to make a difference if one doesn't have the courage or conviction to pick up a weapon and march into danger and uncertainty?
  15. I don't even know anymore. But someone on discord came up with the perfect caption.
  16. Yeah, Narcian is easy this time around. Again, I took it easy by sending in Hector with Rehab support. Send him in, then pull him back and let them come to you or else they DO overwhelm him. Also, I can't stop looking at that lucina. cuz it's funny. yeah. Somewhere, there's an angry Kagero
  17. I still need me a yr 3 Icebreaker.

  18. I thought the last on hard was the easiest. Had young tiki draw the mages and Hector to the left. Sent Kagero and Rehab Lissa to the right. She takes out Jeorge, takes a bunch of damage, and then gets healed back to full health. Rinse and repeat for the mages. At the very end I killed the last mage from right in front of Hector at a choke point, but I simply had Tiki use swap on her, then had azura use dance so she could just take out Hector instead of waiting for him to suicide next turn.
  19. Not sure if that's Geneva Convention rebel Tracer, or making fun of splatoon tracer. ngl, that new Genji skin is legit. second box I opened gave me Pharah's air guitar dance
  20. 26-29th is an OW free weekend where anybody who hasn't bought the game can try it out for free. PSA
  21. rip Chase's Kagero. She didn't stand a chance...
  22. if Batman says you deserve a second chance, who are you to argue?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tartar


      @Cepheus The most famous Batman story of all, The Killing Joke, would like to have a word with you. He killed the joker there.  

    3. Cepheus


      oh come on... there ARE SO MANY UNIVERSES in the DC Multiverse... even one where Thomas Wayne is Batman who has no such rule...

      Also there is the Injustice Universe where Superman kills Joker because reasons... and then half of the jusice league goes on a killing spree WHILE BATMAN STILL does not kill!

      90% of all "Bruce Wayne Batmans" do not kill... or at least try to not kill, because seriously... he gives them all life threatening injuries... :D

    4. Tartar



      he gives them all life threatening injuries... :D

      Kind of makes you wonder. After all, Batman fights street thugs quite often, knocking them out rather than killing them.

      He must be giving them major injuries. He's putting people without medical insurance into critical situations. The people he fights are probably unable to work for quite a while after facing him, and the strain this puts on the families of those involved in criminal activity probably merely serves to perpetuate criminal activity in Gotham... Maybe Batman was the villain all along? 

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