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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Treating myself to virtual console downloads of Earthbound, Megaman BN, and Golden Sun.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cepheus



      HELL NO!

      No looking up guide!

      It is way more satisfaction to figure it out by itself!

    3. Etesian


      There's nothing to go on to figure some that stuff out. "Y'know, if you do like 20 consecutive battles in EXACTLY this spot which looks EXACTLY like every other part of the map, there's a Djinn right here."

    4. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Excellent choices. I have the whole EB series and the whole Megaman BN series on my PC, and I gotta say, I love those... Never played Golden Sun tho.

  2. Tv rotom. Remember it is part psychic and hypnotized and brainwashes people
  3. TI relearned not to put any great faith in army cooking.
  4. I'm so tough, my divinity level is 99. /soul sacrifice
  5. I always recommend Gantz. It has a lot of mature content with lots of gratuitous violence that is central to the plot. You thought watching watching roo or the old lady in the hunger games die was feelsy? Pfft. Wiki
  6. Mmm, that was some good sleep, at last. It's been over two weeks since the last one.

  7. Unleash the hounds, I mean the raptors! Are they really trained to help the pArk workers? And the new Dino is mixed with cuttlefish dna and that is how it can shift colors. And why it is smarter Btw, a good section for this is in the radio tower.
  8. The recent episodes revolve around the theme of going back into it being just a game for fun and not a life or death situation anymore. Ever watch Log Horizon? They aren't in any real danger either, because people respawn still, but that doesn't really take away from the story. But yeah, it's kinda meh, up until the end of the last episode where they set up for what I expect to be an exciting, large PvP battle. It probably would have helped if they had more defined parameters as far as moves, abilities, etc. They just leave most of that vague, and support spells and crap just kinda pop out of thin air when the story remembers that it's an rpg mmo and it would have that kinda shit in it. Which reminds me, I have a similar gripe in that regards to Harry Potter universe. It's hard to make a person seem clever or amazing when you have no idea what kind of constraints and limitations they're actually dealing with
  9. One does not simply make an action adventure fighter anime revolving around someone who is average or less at fighting. Only a few shows have done that with any amount of success. I suppose more extreme and imbalanced characters can make for a more entertaining story with a wider variety of colorful characters... but then I look at one piece and how much that makes me hate that show. I don't really like characters that have some ridiculous, predictable, easily fixable (for any sane person) character flaws either. Like the overly anti-social people who refuse to talk to or work with anybody for no good reason, etc (go die Sasuke, you moody little shit).
  10. I personally think Dark Souls would be easier irl. Your character is so slow and laggy when it comes to actually doing moves and attacks. Dark Souls isn't hard. It's just like playing Smash at max lag. It just isn't fun.
  11. This has been the most productive morning in a long time.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Maelstrom


      You also don't have to deal with room inspections.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      That is true yes XD, but mostly I am just a lazy butt. There is a reason I am not in the Forces, totally not cut out for that stuff.

    4. Arkhi


      "Tastes like good workout"


  12. Theme of Bagan- Super Godzilla Heavyweight badass over here!
  13. Procrastination!!

  14. I actually predicted that would happen.

  15. Don't worry, you can watch what you wanted to watch after we interrupt it to show you something so important that it's interrupting your show. I still see what you mean. Someone in that PR department is gonna lose their job over that.
  16. Why did they cut out those Earthbound songs? Dastards!
  17. Nintendo brass has already made statements that they won't like, ever, port a real, full fledged pokemon game to console. Even though it would be a huge success. It's just not what they want to do with it.
  18. I have a bad feeling about tomorrow.

    1. Arkhi


      Mondays are like that.

    2. HolyKnight


      what are you talking about? Mondays are great.

  19. Kingdoms Hearts really is the cop-out world that lets you have it all. Probably be a keyblade wielder, whether it's a regular one or one for darkness. And there's all those Disney worlds to visit and explore and talk to some cool characters, with some FF series characters thrown in for good measure. C'mon Cloud, teach me to Omnislash. Other than that, Pokemon seems to be a crowd favorite around here. Until they get mauled by a wild ursaring/tauros/ryhorn/onix/gyarados/sharpedo/basculin/rabid rattata etc. Every region is susceptible to complete destruction via rampaging legendaries. But everyone would be fit, because cars are pretty much nonexistent, and people have magic/capsule corp. backpacks that can carry all sorts of shit. Speaking of backpacks, that's just a regular old bag/messenger bag and stuff. Can you imagine how much gear a hiker or backpacker's big pack can probably handle? So yeah, that was just some comments on choices so far. I still have to take my time and pick a world or two for myself. I've been busy lately...
  20. Welcome to Reborn. If you're looking for a global mod, look at sheep. *cough*
  21. Constantly angry people... how do we say it in the infantry? Ah yes, they "get their dicks stomped." Army ain't got no time for anger issues or rebellious attitudes.
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