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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Spending too much time using pokenav and not enough time progressing the story.

  2. Dear EU. That's what happens when your stores open and sell games days early in direct opposition to Nintendo's wishes. Get rekt.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Felicity
    3. Shanco


      Nintendo's Canadian operations are largely run by NOA despite them having a Canadian office in BC, but I'm not sure how relevant that is.

    4. Nan


      Well that explains why Canada wasn't punished for selling X/Y for too early (+ the livestreamer).

  3. The dark knight ALWAYS triumphs!

    1. Felicity
    2. Maelstrom


      I'll bite your legs off.

  4. BT's theme, dothacksign Sayuri's Melody, The Place Promised in Our Early Days Godzilla's theme. I recommend skipping forward to 0:40 or 1:00 Terra's Theme- FFVI And this awesome version with lyrics that I found while trying to find a good quality version of ^ I'll post this for now. I'm still looking through my musics to find more.
  5. So who here has a wiiU and smash? Besides myself and Godot?
  6. Yeah, I was raising up beldum and I was going to use it to wreck Roxanne. But it stopped listening to me at level 11 when all I wanted it to do was use Hold Back on a slakoth. So I used the slakoth to trade for the makuhita in the house next to her gym. Yeah, the pokenav thing is really awesome. The more you have run into pokemon, the more info it will tell you about the pokemon you're sneaking up on. Like Ability Moves Potential (out of 3 stars) Level Held Items I got: Sky Attack taillow, others had steel wing Wurmples holding bright powders. seems like every wild zigzagoon is holding a potion
  7. I went and lifted weights, then followed up with 3 good games of racquetball. For once, I feel spent in a good way.
  8. The poochyena was from a script prompted encounter where may told me how to sneak up on tails that stick out of the grass. Found a charm zigzagoon this way too, as well as fell stinger surskit.
  9. Level 5 poochyena with thunder fang. So stoked now. Plus the damn thing is adorable. Too bad it is timid though
  10. I actually don't know if they're doing a midnight release at gamestop for Smash/ORAS. I guess my mission tonight is to go find out in person.

  11. Oh boy this one looks like fun. I'll have to wait till I get back to my computer to post songs. But I totally call dibs on BT's theme. *looks meaningfully at Morgan*
  12. you said the three were meteorites, right? inb4 megaclefable, wigglytuff, + random
  13. I keep meaning to read that somewhere, but I keep on forgetting.
  14. I thought he had great landing recovery after aerials as it was. Time to play him some more and test it out
  15. Nostalgia. The memory that gives me the most sincere smile while rolling a tear down my cheek. That is the feeling that embodies me. Those moments when that person was there or everything fell into to place just right and existence became worth it. Those moments are gone, but you feel them even now. Times might be hard now, but these gems are anchors in any storm. They happened without searching for them, and in unexpected places. So you know, they'll find you again as long as you keep looking. So maybe nostalgia isn't the right word then. As sappy as it sounds, maybe Hope is the right one. Keep your Despair, Ame. That's just the rough that hides the diamond.
  16. Tfw long, cold frigging day. That other feel when rewarded with lots of food to save for later cuz it would have gotten tossed in the trash otherwise. Score.
  17. Found some awesome art I thought you guys would enjoy
  18. Happy B-day, Mr. Typing Impaired.
  19. Please refrain from posting spoilers in status updates, yo.

  20. I haven't watched it since I left for training in Sep. legit spoils
  21. I enjoy it everytime a dragon abuser wishes for more dragons. :feelsgd:
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