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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Happy Belated Birthday, oh vendor of fruit. My money says you have more aliases than you had candles on your cake.
  2. Well, I have to thank @President Felix for the strategy to use a flier to bring a green tank unit across the river. Luckily, my old 4* Camilla had some spare SP on her, so I gave her reposition and sent Hector across. It was a mad scrabble to kill a unit or two, then escape back to the other side before Lloyd could finish sweep down at them. I had Ike take care of the axe flier. I misplaced Azura and the mounted bow unit almost took her out, so I took out both the bow and Lloyd with Ike. It was a near loss because of how I handled Azura, but Ike took out lloyd with the help of one of her dances, instead of having her just orko him.
  3. well, the regular Lloyd battle was easy enough. Rally res on Hector, move hector next to the river to bait the archer and the mage. next turn, move back and rehab on hector. had ike as my sword wielder stationed the axe flier. Cecilia and Hector finish off the rest when they come by. Definitely keep that rehab ready for Hector though. It almost works on the harder version too. I rolled a Mae. Is she any good? I don't really see her replacing Linde. As it is, I just happen to have a lvl 37 Shanna for the arena bonus.
  4. So... super hyped about Destiny 2 now. Warlock is still best class. But all the changes and improvements look damn fine to me. I'm of a mind to make my own clan. Who's with me?

  5. If there could be six of me doing the destiny raids as a group, I'd have every challenge done first time every time. I have to say, I prefer other game types to mmo's. Other game types promote skills like precision or strength, or speed or other stuff. MMO's are basically a matter of timing/cooldowns. I'm not a fan.
  6. wow, this is gross. Why is this a thing?
  7. Happy birthday to some of you. But more importantly, happy birthday to my dearest cousin, and the one I consider my other brother, Alex.

  8. Yo, can we start the impeachment process yet? Trump is the dumbest mofo I have ever had the displeasure of seeing in my life and republicans are turning a deliberate blind eye. How many times do I have to tell you, "I told you so?"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. whatonearth


      literally if clinton had pulled any of this crud there'd be a witch hunt. but obviously it's fine if trump does it.

    3. Maelstrom


      hypocritical republican majority am I right?

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      every time I click one of these statuses I feel as if theres a mini civil war going on between republican and democratic supporters

  9. "Boogie Back" still gives me goosebumps when I hear it.

  10. Happy Birthday! Also, on behalf of all the npc retailers in all the games you play, I have this message for you: "Don't die, customer. We need your business." let's all give a cheer for profiteering, everybody!!
  11. It's overcast, windy, with a good chance of rain outside and I love it.

  12. As much as I love to coop games... I always gotta be someone who can solo shit when they have to... So you can wait on the others if you want but I gotta... LEEEEEROy JEEEEEEENINs it up
  13. Ideally, sure, some healers don't get hit. Other times, if you really need to panic a unit's buffs into banes, or got that tanky pain build going on, l2s works really well. The ai definitely loves to target healers, and when I was giving Clarine a shot, she was definitely not so happy without it. And idk about you, but dancers and healers are pretty much my priority targets if I can get away with it. And gravity is kinda niche, best used on cavalry so they can't go around your tank and smack your defender directly. Or rarely if you have a wounded unit that would ordinarily be in the cav's range but your healer can't reach. idk, Ryoma has 4 speed on Ike (not quite enough to double him), while Ike has 4 def on ryoma. Ryoma does have 3 res on Ike. But Ike comfortably swordbreaks all them common sword lords, including ryoma, against whom the higher def is nicer. Defiant attack is nice on Ryoma, since it does play on his using distant counter and hone speed is always good. Astra is good on ryoma but that's if it gets activated. Meanwhile Aether heavy blade combo will almost definitely activate and help keep Ike alive longer without having to devote a healer to him (though clearly not always. Linde and Rein will still probably eat them alive anyhow). Or keep the healer and rely on Luna instead for constant tank breaking. That being said, I do have 2 spare Ikes, so I could give one of my Ryomas heavy blade... or give Ike Astra (I've got 3*s lonqu's waiting to be promoted to Vantage fodder anyhow). Either way, spamming Astra would be pretty sick...
  14. Holy shit, how could I have missed that the Assassin's Fate, by Robin Hobb, got released on the 9th? I'm probably not gonna sleep till I finish this book.

  15. Lel, the only thing I took from you was the Darting Blow. I did come across a Kagero with fury, savage blow and quick reposte in faction battles today. I used that one to nuke two mages, since my own kagero has pull back and brought her back to safety. the third one was just too close to get her out of her range, the this third mage but got eaten by quick reposte. I definitely think this combo works really well for Kagero. Definitely some heavy sp investment though. In other news, this new arena system does seem to give a lot more feathers. I'm gonna go up a tier and get 1400 feathers from rank in tier, gonna get 2500 feathers from 4200 offense score thanks to bonus scorer Ike, and then the measly 500 feathers from defense. that's a nice 4400 feathers coming my way, plus 3 orbs to boot. A much larger haul compared to previous weeks. This'll really help out with SI, even if SP grinding is still a huge issue. surprised to see Linde and Tharja are pretty much even with each other so far. Well sort of. both have over 5 million points, but Tharja is leading by less than 200k.
  16. “Where women are revered, there the gods are pleased; where they are not, no rite will yield any fruit,” - Hindu scripture
  17. Considering there are nearly 50 people on my friends list, and not 50 exactly because I got rid of some randos who were like, tier 3 and shit... The odds are good I wouldn't get your unit. The odds are also extremely good Kagero would kill everyone in a mage competition by herself without the need for another unit. gg. Kagero has solo'd so many times already, it isn't even funny.
  18. More in the now- more Americans don't trust Trump for firing the asshole who got him elected, as well as the asswhole who is firing the the dude leading the investigating his campaign's involvement with Russia. He expected Dems to back him on this but... he's stupid and doesn't know how the simple logic incriminates him and his campaign further. Ummm... let's face it. Everything Trump said was a bold face lie, and his whims change based on.... who the fuck knows. Oh, wait I do know. It changes based on what he thinks the average rube (aka republicans) thinks is correct. Trump is the biggest idiot I've ever seen in my life... and yet you are still trying to find reasons to defend him. Not only is he a pathological liar, he is a moron to boot. Seriously, he has the intellectual capacity of a selfish third grader. Nobody really wants to see Comey fired by Trump. He is the obvious odor in the office... Nobody trusts Trump. At least, nobody with the tiniest bit of intelligence. Which excludes anybody and everybody who watches fox news. Government couldn't move forward because elected republicans chose to constantly and unanimously block anything Dems put up. It worked then, and it's somewhat working even better now, since they have the majority. Even then, they were almost entirely blocked by bipartisans- aka, both by the dems, who want nothing to do with retarded ass tax cuts, and republicans who wanted bigger cuts. Cuz about a billions dollars wasn't enough and pre-existing conditions is an anathema to republicans. I mean, republicans only care about the bottom line for business, rather than the population as a whole. republicans have... unrealistic ideals of what it means to afford healthcare. especially under their own laws. You couldn't possibly fathom the hatred I harbor for the selfish assholes that call themselves republicans. The obvious racism and stupidity is just appalling.
  19. Yeah... having more than 5 friends nets you a whopping extra 5 feathers a day. So that's more than half a month to save up so you can raise a 2* into a 3*. YAY! the incentive is just so attractive, right? On a serious note, you're right. In other games, like FFBE, whoever you set as leader can be used once every 3 hours in addition to your normal members of a team to defeat a map or challenge. "GANTZ"'s Noctis is basically the reason I was able to obtain and max out the Arianna Grande character, even though I had only started playing the game right at the beginning of the event. In MKX, after a match goes on long enough, you can summon a friend's leader character to do their highest damaging attack once per match. They used to do their full, real damage, but that shit got nerfed after a while. But at the same time, whether you used them or not in the battle, choosing an ally each battle gave you points that you could accumulate and turn in for a single card that could turn out to be another low tier character, an equipable item, or free attack upgrade or level up... gah, it definitely has its rewards to have friends and use them. Hell, if you used an ally, they got 100 points. If an ally used your champ, you got 50. With FE... You get close to nothing for having or adding friends. Hell, in FFBE you could send you friend small little bits of stuff for free, and it would be stuff your friend set themselves to receive. It would be nice if for every day you were one, you could have an active individual friend send you some feathers, or shards, or crystals, or an orb (or even pieces to collect to make whole orbs). Seriously, they added in this feature and never utilized it except for really bad randomizing schemes. that being said... Enjoy my Kagero, reprobates. She's been set as my lead unit for a while now. Handled with care, she puts in WORK. Your dragon has falchion problems? Kagero has an answer for that. Your armored units don't like that mage character? Kagero has an answer for that. You don't like that ninja/assassin debuffing you hardcore? Kagero has an answer for that. YOU'RE WELCOME. She's only my favorite and best draw ever since the beginning of the game.
  20. I have extras of all those except Xander. When are they gonna add trading? never
  21. Oh hey, the Injustice 2 released today.

  22. It took me quite a few tries, but after some leveling up and skill inheritance stuff, I finally beat the lunatic map, using Hector, Cecilia, Elise, and Azura. First thing I did was position hector at the bottom and Cecilia on the right starting points. Move hector right under cecilia, had her rally res on him, then moved azura down to sing for Hector and then moved hector right. First thing that happens is Ursula suicides Against hector. then the enemies move. I move hector left. I move Azura out of the way so Elise can use Rehab on Hector. End turn. But after that, I basically use hector as my giant meat shield. I don't really attack with him unless it would get him low enough on health so that Rehab kicks in with more oomph. I think at one point he went down to 1 hp, then rehab was set to heal him for his full 51 hp. What also really helped was poison strike 2 on Cecilia to help wear down that red cavalier. It helped a lot, especially since the cav had reduce damage from distant attacks. Other than that, she swept down to the bottom square next to the wall and took out the ninjas failing to do damage to hector (though their savage blow effects were a nuisance. She finished the one off, then the other warped over with wings of mercy to take his spot and suicided also. I mainly used Azura to sing for Cecilia so she could take out the green knight and the can units faster. So, the skills that helped the most- Rehabilitation and Hector's Pavise kept saving his ass, then poison strike and sing to whittle down and end the other units. It's just really Nice that Cecilia has advantage against colorless units and is mounted, helping to make short work of what was left the assassins without fearing the damage from the poison blades they stole from Kagero. Anyways, Idk how, but I find myself with 40k feathers. I might as well promote Cecilia and get the sp to get poison strike 3. The question is who else to promote...
  23. Well, for one, Trump is always against anything and everything that is against him. Science and other facts, news, palestine's leader ("I'm good with whatever they're good with:) (also, look up the definition of rebuff- is isn't the same as re-buff. Your usage of the word is absolutely wrong). His televised view of Kim Jung Un is incredibly stupid and uninformed. Also, why was the cival war fought? Did not one seriously tell him why? Because everyone knows why. And anyone claiming states rights is wrong. Whatever trump thinks is popular, he will do. Because he thinks his liberal opponents have Comey in a corner, his move was to sack him after he testified. Especially when his testimony pretty much means an investigation into Trump would seem bipartisan. The last thing Trump wants is a whistleblower underneath him, reporting his stupidity and wrongdoing at any and every point in time. He already can't handle when the press does it. "Fake news!" No, Trump, go fuck yourself with pineapples and sandpaper... unless they're stupid. and/or listen to fox news, but those two categories describe the same people. Redundancy is redundant, yes? And holy shit, how many of his staff and aides are supposedly linked and implicated with talks with russian officials at this point? Seriously, wtf is all of this? No one believes Trump is competent of anything at all these days. And let me put it this way because it's true... "I fucking told you so." Trump is either senile or a pathological liar. Or a combination of both. Honestly, he's the biggest piece of shit on the earth since Hitler, and you can quote me on this.
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