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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. I liked the mistborn trilogy. Even if I only read it because the author was the one chosen to finish the WoT
  2. Maelstrom


    Banned for insisting on formality
  3. His name is Yu Narukami. Narukami basically translates into "become a god." I know goku eventually becomes one, but I like Yu way better than Goku. (Try playing Persona 3 and 4)
  4. TIL that if you slice open red grapes and put them in the microwave, science and plasma happens. 0.o
  5. .... You win this round, Bearicho. but for thread's sake...
  6. Clearly, you don't know how this works. Riku >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Axel >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sora >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Roxas >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ventas
  7. cheater. Nintendo does things to cheaters....
  8. hmm... let's make the short hop to.... Sad violin/piano. I have high expectations for this, guys.
  9. Buck up. The cavalry has arrived.

    1. Arkhi


      Riflemen on horseback? Minus the inefficiency of accuracy, that's incredible.

    2. Maelstrom


      He has Talent. He can use his abilities to make his shots hit where he aims.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Uh....that was quite common Arky.....

  10. No one forced her to have sex. (putting rape incidents to the side, for now) No one forces people to drink and drive. And even if nothing happens or a person can prove they can legitimately operate a vehicle beyond the legal limit, they are forced to undergo a long, painful, expensive legal process that leaves a giant black scar on their future. Because of all the shit that could have happened. An abortion is about the shit that DID happen. Think about that. There is no guarantee to a good life. They have the right to pursue happiness. They don't have the right to kill anything that just happens to be a roadblock to their happiness. Like their boss, their ex, that person that is just better at the same job... However, we generally agree that everyone needs a fair chance to prove themselves worthy and deserving of a good life. I'm one of those people that don't mind the removing of some cells... up to a certain point. Cuz after a while, a fetus is just an unborn baby. One doesn't just kill babies. After a certain point, the difference is only a matter of semantics. There is that gray area. Like if you're building a tower from the ground up. At what point does the construction cease to be 'just a building' and become a tower? Is a 10 story tower any less of a tower than a 50 floor one? Is the 50 floor building less a tower than a 20 floor building just because it is supposed to be 70 floors upon completion? Good or bad pivots upon a point of view, Erick. So 'best event of one's life' or 'punishment for sex' is totally dependent on the person's mindset. Someone with the latter opinion really shouldn't be risking sex. They can. No one is stopping them. Too bad their gamble didn't pay off. If only I could get my money back if I don't win the lotto or get my car insurance premiums refunded. At least, if I declare bankruptcy, someone doesn't die over it. You're not your own person till you have your own job and pay your own bills and pay for the consequences of your own decisions. You are just a leech till you move away from home and support yourself completely. Without your mother and socialist programs like orphanages and foster homes, you wouldn't be able to survive on your own until you are strong enough to make a living wage. So why can't a woman throw her 5 yo off a bridge and be done with it when she gets tired of being responsible?
  11. That person's governance over their own body (with the exception of rape) is the reason that being was created within that body in the first place. They had their choice. They maybe kinda should live with that choice. The thing with abortions is that pregnancies are mostly noticed after a certain time of development during which I don't think it's okay to end that life. Erick. For you and your logic, it's okay to kill an unborn child even up to seconds before it actually leaves the womb. That's pretty messed up.
  12. No one can see them unless they've added you on FB first. Our only mutual friend is Ame.
  13. You are NOT senpai. Those who have come before you and know how to arrive at the correct answer are senpai. How about you learn how to solve it? [1]= $100 [2]= $75 [3]= .75*$75= 56.25 [4]= .75*.75*$75= 42.1875 [5]= .75*.75*.75*$75= 31.640625 [6]= .75*.75*.75*.75*$75 = 23.73046975 -> $25, since it can't go less than 25$ [7]= 25 [8]= 25 [9]= 25 [10]=25 10 week total= Sum [1] through [10] = 100 + 75 + 56.25 + 42.19 + 31.64+ 25 + 100= 430.08 -> $430 What part gave you difficulty? How to arrive at the amount paid each week or what?
  14. And is the author of reborn, effectively making her the Light Yagami of this place. One fell swoop of story writing and bam, there's at least one new corpse around. She has yet to attempt a resurrection.
  15. I have this atm. I'll have to check my repertoire of musics listened to... Edit: these are actually kinda sad, and maybe not soothing to you. edit part 2: tfw you realize 2 sad acoustic songs about a father and their son. qq
  16. I just spent a lot of money. Only half of it was the cost of a brand new wiiu bundle. #stillhavemoneyfomonths

    1. Sheep


      Read that as waifu bundle.

    2. Maelstrom


      Waifu bundle and full harem set sold separately.

  17. I kinda want the smash GC controller so I can actually go back and play games on my gamecube with brand new controllers.

  18. Imma cheat slightly with multiple entries. Etesian- It's kinda up to you. You can wait a day or for when there's a decent number of entries to choose.
  19. You know, when you asked what my favorite mythical creature was? I change my answer- Gamer Girls.

  20. I know what you mean. But I still need love because I'm just a man.
  21. Normal Tuesday night for Shia LeBeouf

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