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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. You and eagleby18. Ganon's got boots that were make for sparta kicking, afterall.
  2. The two termites aboard ship ate a hole in the wood. I hope you know how to swim.
  3. I don't even bowser, bro. That's Godot The true OP heavyweight is DDD and I can't even play him worth shit. Not that I've tried, but I don't like the dude.
  4. I don't have the patience for constant pokes. Which is why I was doing so badly against legitimate halo teams that Live matched me and Jericho up with.
  5. I will simply have you un-made.

  6. No, bleach is part of the power escalation getting out of hand idea. He was a rather likeable protagonist.
  7. I'm not saying Luffy is op. That was a separate idea altogether. I hate characters like Luffy and the ft kid who eats fire. The Only one who pulled off the strong idiot well was goku.
  8. I ain't afraid of no yoshi. I would have been happier with Lucas to fight him with but flying swords do well.
  9. Try all the ones Steph put up on FB. Figures TJ would be Cpt America.
  10. Well, I was a bio major, so there were plenty of smart women going into the medical field. There was no shortage of relationships there. Let's not forget though, if being smart was all you needed to be attractive, I think there'd be a lot of married people around these forums. And there is that point that they mentioned where they were trying to strike a balance between professionalism and trying to show interest/flirting. Let's face it, there's a lot of silliness and awkwardness involved when it comes to flirting for a lot of people. I think one of the reasons why people tend to inversely correlate intelligence with beauty is because the time and effort it generally takes to maintain the appearance of beauty or to study enough to be successful in the difficult, advanced level sciences. The common logic is that there isn't enough time for both and that one gives way to the other so it isn't expected when someone manages both. I think some men would be "intimidated" by a beauty with brains because it means more time and effort to keep such a gem interested and satisfied with him, especially when he thinks of how she must attract the attention of a lot of dudes. Guys are keenly aware of their competition, just as women are of theirs. And in the STEM fields, there are plenty of guys who are potentially as smart or smarter than themselves and of varying levels or arbitrary physical attractiveness. And do you think that, generally, greater intelligence positively correlates with great levels of social skills? I personally don't find intelligence off-putting, but rather a requirement. A woman has to have more to contribute to a relationship than just her looks. I hate talking inanities and I'm not a story teller or social speaker, so I can't drive entire conversations by myself. Nor would I be comfortable with someone who would expect me to be the sole source of income. Pretty is more 'intimidating' than intelligence in my book.
  11. Tfw I have no idea what it would be like to take a train to school. .... Probably like taking the bus The trying to decide between wiiu preorder with gc controller and adapter or xb1 for $300
  12. I like it when they take some concept you take for granted and then change the circumstances so that it gains more importance and you look at it differently. For example, the way log horizon binds the mind to mp and the body to hp. And when you die your body is penalized in exp but your mind loses memories. I hate when power levels and shit escalate out of hand or when people never die because regeneration bs. Bleach. Characters like Luffy and that fire kid from fairy tale.
  13. If I were on iPhone I wou move this to the reborn game boards where i know there is at least one major exp farming area thread
  14. Because perfectly even m:f ratio happens all the time in real life. >> Can't remember a time when that happened. Although it does seem weird when there are all these women in military anime.
  15. It doesn't seem difficult at all. People do mono-pokemon runs all the time with starters. With a legendary... heh. I think it would depend on what moves it would/could know at level 1 and early levels that will make the difference. And won't it count as a traded pokemon and grow up faster as a result, offsetting the usually high exp requirement for legendaries to level up?
  16. "But, eventually, it is destined to fall to the earth and disappear... Even I can feel the sadness of this inescapable destiny..."

  17. Depends on the anime. The vast majority that I've seen are more or less about girls crushing over dudes because of something nice/touching that they did for them that the MC probably doesn't even remember. In very few are the guys actively trying to get the attention of more than one girl, so I find it odd that you say they're being treated as conquests or trophies when they're completely incidental. It's usually the main character's best friend who is the most lecherous for some reason. And the main male character usually has some kind of dysfunction that inhibits him in some way. Like an allergy to women and other ridiculous things. It's usually the female characters who are depicted as smart, strong, popular, or kind or any number of things that make them seem out of the main character's league. The idea is that they take someone who is apparently unremarkable and forgettable in most ways and put him in situations that exposes redeeming qualities. But I have to agree, Sekirei looks pretty ridiculous and haven't sat down and watched it myself. I've seen Love Hina, some Tenchi Muyo, some Girls Bravo, Kore wa Zombie Desuka?, vampire + rosario, for reference. SAO and HotD have some harem elements in them. Except for Love Hina, I did find them to be mostly meh.
  18. The Angel Beats OST is on itunes. Having never seen the series... and suggestions as to what to listen to from it?
  19. I was playing through classic with megaman and I barely charged his buster shot smash and it went further than I ever remember seeing go when I fought mega, though that was very few and far in between.
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